Special Service Center

Campbell County School District takes great pride in serving all students, and has nearly 400 staff members dedicated to serving Students with Disabilities.  Along with Special Education teachers at each building, CCSD has a variety of related service providers and specialists who are highly trained and work to ensure CCSD students receive the individualized programming they need to be successful in school as they prepare for life. Student service providers include: School Psychologists, Teachers of the Hearing and Visually Impaired, Speech Language Pathologists, School Counselors as well as Behaviorists and staff who specialize in Assistive Technology, Augmentative Communication, Physical Disabilities including Occupational and Physical Therapy and Adaptive PE Teachers. More than 200 para-educators help address a wide variety of student needs every day. CCSD is committed to providing students a Free and Appropriate Public Education while ensuring that each student has access to the general curriculum to the maximum extent possible with their same age peers in the Least Restrictive Environment.