District Resource Programs

The District Resource Programs in Campbell County School District are designated classrooms where special education teachers provide multi-leveled, individualized instructional support to students. The District Resource Programs are designed for students with moderate to severe disabilities who are not able to access the general core education curriculum even with significant modifications or accommodations. Students in District Resource Rooms participate in alternative district/state assessments and follow the expanded curriculum standards, which are written by the Wyoming Department of Education. A District Resource Program is a class consisting of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similar individual needs and/or similar academic levels so that they can receive specially designed instruction. In District Resource classrooms, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction is adapted to ensure the student has access to the general curriculum and the opportunity to meet the educational standards that apply to all students. The special education teacher is responsible for designing and delivering instruction in District Resource Classrooms. Paraprofessionals may also help provide support in the classrooms. Students in District Resource Programs may also require additional supports including, but not limited to, related services such as speech/language, occupational, physical, vision therapy and orientation and mobility training, as well as adapted physical education, assistive technology and travel training.