Extended School Year (ESY)

Extended School Year (ESY) as defined in the Wyoming Chapter 7 Rules:

ESY means special education and related services provided to a child with a disability only if the child’s IEP determines on an individual basis that the services are necessary for the provision of FAPE…beyond the normal school year of the school district or public agency…at no cost to the parent or child. With respect to implementing extended school year services, a public agency may not limit extended school year services to particular categories of disability or unilaterally limit the type, amount or duration of those services.”

The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that regression and recoupment cannot be the only factors considered in determining a student’s need for ESY. In addition to degree of regression and the time necessary for recoupment, courts have considered many factors important in their discussions of what constitutes an “appropriate” educational program under the [IDEA].

These include:

Campbell County School District is fortunate to have many ESY programs available to meet students’ needs. If the IEP deems it necessary for a student to receive ESY please select the program from the column at the left and complete the necessary forms. If a student’s needs cannot be met with one of the existing programs click on the “Other” link and contact Mr. Danforth.