September 2020

A September We'll Always Remember

I don't think we are going to forget the year 2020 for a long time. Everything has changed since the last school newsletter went out. Back in February, I was reporting back on our Friendship Week where we all came to the hall to sample food from each other's homes - what I wouldn't do to be able to do that again! I also saw that I was planning our annual Seachtain na Gaeilge Céilí and Caife Gaeilge. It's very strange that things we took for granted like dancing, singing and even playing all have to be risk assessed. When schools closed on March 12th, I don't think any of us really believed it would September before schools would open. We have all learned new terms like "flattening the curve" and new tools like "Zoom" and we tried to make the best of a really overwhelming and difficult time. We tried to recreate some aspects of the school like weekly assemblies and Zoom calls to keep in contact. We also were able to help families that were struggling by providing a monthly food hamper and we lent out Chromebooks to families that needed them to access the school. When plans to reopen school came out, we did everything we could to ensure we made school as normal as possible for children. As I'm sure you'll appreciate the logistics around this were immense and I want to take this opportunity to thank the staff of the school who spent much of their summer holidays helping to get the school and their classrooms ready for the children. The main focus of the country is to keep schools open and we will do our best to help. Should we have a case of COVID19 in a classroom, you can be assured that we will be following Public Health advice. The most important thing is that we all support each other while we're living through this difficult period. School is a different experience for us all but it doesn't mean it has to be a bad experience. I am writing this piece while the children are playing on yard. There is no happier sound than the sound of children having fun and playing. Let's hope we can work together to ensure that we keep it that way.

Keep happy, safe and learning!


COVID-19 Updates

Since schools closed, we have been working hard to ensure you have been kept up to date with anything happening in the school. We continue to do this through our social media channels but also our dedicated COVID19 Hub which can be accessed on our school website. We have also developed a web app in case we have to close again. Children are being trained in using SeeSaw and Google Classroom, as well as other tools. Everyone has been sent instructions on how to access these tools through our Clever Portal. Children should have a QR code or a username/password to access their Clever Portal which will give them access to all the tools they need.

Schools have had updated advice from the HSE around contact tracing. This is available here. Under a Data Protection request, to which we must comply, the HSE have requested schools to send pupi land staff information in a spreadsheet. All of the information being sent is already available to the government but they have asked for us to send it in a particular format. Should you have any questions about this, please email Simon and he will be happy to assist. A separate message will be sent to everyone with more details about this before we submit the spreadsheet.

Enrollments for 2021/22

Enrollments are now open for our school for September 2021. This will be the first time the school will be following the Admissions Bill, which comes into place in all schools around the country this year. For the first time, siblings will be given priority enrollment in our school and places will be offered on an age-basis rather than first-come, first-served. The school also must honour all applications for places that came before January 2020. The enrollment window will close on October 31st and places wil be offered from the middle of November. Once places have been offered, waiting lists will apply on a first-come, first-served basis.

Apps You Need

There are 3 apps that you'll need as a parent/family member for Carlow Educate Together. These are all available on, our own webapp. We'd suggest creating a shortcut to this website on your phone. However, you'll also need to download the Aladdin App to ensure you receive communication from the school on a number of things, for example, Parent Teacher Meetings and end of school reports. If your child is getting a school lunch, you'll need to download an app for this too.

New Staff

A big welcome to our new staff in Carlow Educate Together! Caitriona joins us after working in Dublin for the last 10 years in 5th class. Megan joins us from Co. Limerick and is teaching 1st class. We welcome Marlena back again this year working as part of our SET team. Welcome to Maisy who is also working in our SET team and job sharing with Erin. Finally, a big welcome to Jen who is working in Senior Infants as an SNA.

Traffic Reminders

Thank you all for your kind wishes about our traffic management system. We're very happy that it is working well and we can clear our site very efficiently. It's also great to see more bicycles and people walking to the school. As you know, you have received lots of updates about traffici n the school. While the vast majority of people are cooperating with the procedures, we've noticed a few cars that aren't. We understand that it might be frustrating having to join a queue and it can be tempting to find shortcuts to skip it, to be fair to everyone and to keep everyone safe, we really need to follow the system.

Just as a reminder to those of you picking up children at 1:30pm, we are closing the basketball courts to allow for play so please follow the "bus route" for collection. All other drop offs and pickups remain the same.