Lyell Forest

Location-click to enlarge

Assemblies- click to enlarge.

Map suitability

Typical subtle spur gully terrain. Suited for red line course setting.

Land Manager:


Access issues:

Assembly sites:

1- Intersection of Gerrand Track and Abbots Rd. Some parking on a side track of Gerrand track. More parking on Abbots Rd.

2- Parking on Lowndes Tk east of Gerrang Tk intersection. Not recommended as encourages off road parking.

3- Clearing in saddle off Lowndes Tk. Also some parking on Lowndes Tk.

4- Lowndes Tk intersection. Parking along side track,

5. Doles Rd. Parking on one side of Doles Rd only. Assembly on side track.

6. Good parking on Czar Rd off Patons Rd.

Safety Issues:

Map status:

The map was a joint effort by members of the club in 1994. There is a little inconsistency in the mapping of rock features, but little has changed since the map was created. The track network is reasonably stable and the vegetation has changed little.

Map files:

Ocad 10k file

Ocad 15k file

jpg file


Bendigo Orienteers