Brown Reef

Location map: click to enlarge

Brown Reef (not Brown's Reef) is the longitudinal gash in the east of the map. This was the first reef mining site in the Bendigo goldfields. As such it is a significant historical site. It would have been a sizeable quartz outcrop (blow) with obvious gold veins. All that remains is a large trench.To understand what this feature would once have looked like visit the only remaining quartz blow at Amherst near Talbot.

Map suitability

Much of the map is typical Bendigo gentle spur gully terrain. As such it is suited to red line style course setting. Not suited to middle or long distance style courses.

Land Manager:

Parks Victoria

Access issues:

The only access issue to date has been the use of the forest by sporting shooters when an orienteering event was booked.

Assembly sites:

1 Landry Track. Sufficient parking for local events. Best site on the map for local events.

2 Hazeldene's Paddock. Private land requiring permission from Hazeldenes. Access will depend on the current use of the paddock. Sometimes it is covered with poultry manure. Used for the Australian Secondary Schools Championship.

Safety Issues:

Fast traffic on Lockwood Rd. Avoid legs that make the road a route choice, especially for juniors.

Map status:

Mapped in 2003 by Alex Tarr using Pat Thwaites photogrammetry. Several track updates have been made by Neil Barr. Still reasonably accurate.

Map files:

Ocad 10k layout

Ocad 15k layout

gif file

gfw file


Bendigo Orienteers

Assembly map: Click to enlarge