
Map suitability

Interesting mix of vague spur gully, steep spur gully and some reef mining.

Land Manager:

A- Parks Vic

B- City of Greater Bendigo

C- Coliban Water

Access issues:

Access to the City of Greater Bendigo land is extremely limited. The current management will not allow off track useage, placing greater priority on bird boxes. Coliban Water land is not available either.

Use only Parks Vic land. A special cut down version of the map is supplied. Called Crusoe Upper.

NO DOGs are permitted in this area. This needs to be communicated in any event information.

Assembly sites:

  1. Most spacious assembly area on Tuckermans Lane. However, this site is surrounded by the vaguest of the terrain. A distant start would be a useful approach.
  2. Less space at this assembly with inevitable overflow parking into the Parks land to the north. This is not really suitable for a local event with 40-50 cars. Might handle 25 cars. It also has a long access through a narrow sliver of land to get to the map proper.

Safety Issues:

At both assembly areas the road access is via very busy roads with 100k speed limits. Care must be taken to enter and leave the assembly areas. Special instructions will be needed for the Tuckermans Lane assembly as cars from Bendigo will need to drive south past the assembly on the Calder, then do a U-turn at a break in the divided Hway before then travelling north to the assembly turn off. Extra care with signage.

There are some deep mine shafts on the map. Many have been fenced by Parks. These fences have not yet been added ot the map.

Map status:

Mapped in 2012 by Neil Barr. Some minor fencing only. This area seems remote enough to be spared most of the illegal track construction seen around Bendigo. The exception is some trail bike damage that sporadically appears on the steep hills in the SW of the map.

Map files:

Ocad Upper Crusoe 15k

Ocad Upper Crusoe 10k

Upper Crusoe gif

Upper Crusoe jpg


Bendigo Orienteers

Click to enlarge.