Devonshire Gully

Location. Click to enlarge.

Assemblies: click to enlarge

Map suitability

Once a great map, this map is now all but unusable in its current form due to land alienation by mining, the expansion of the ASQ sand recovery, dense regrowth after the 2009 bushfire and significantly increased traffic on Bracewell St. The terrain is now covered by two sprint style maps- New Saint Mungo in the south and Prince of Wales to the north of Bracewell St.

Land Manager:

Parks Victoria

Access issues:

A- Fenced off by Bendigo Mining for a mine that was never built after the resource was shown to be uneconomic. We lost this and a significant part of Diamond Hill for a deep hole in the ground and not much else.

B- The 2009 bushfire was started on Bracewell St and the subsequent firestorm burnt out much of the southern part of the map. The regrowth is thick. This has now been mapped at 1:5,000 on a separate map- New Saint Mungo.

Assembly sites:

1. Parking in Staley St near California Gully Primary School

2. Parking along Midson Road. Would suit smaller event as parking is more limited.

Click to enlarge.

Safety Issues:

Main issue is road crossings. It would be best to avoid taking competitors across Bracewell St. Its busy, and the warning of oncoming traffic can be limited.

Map status:

Mapped by Alex Tarr in 2002 using Pat Thwaites photogrammetry.

Map files:

Ocad file useable portion (Prince of Wales)

Ocad file (original map)

gif image original map

Location map (pdf) for Parks Vic


Bendigo Orienteers