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No more May blues, more groovy tunes

Rachael Cadman and Lucy Wurzelbacher

During quarantine, music is a great way for Badin students to cope with their current reality. For many people, music is a positive way to relieve stress and creates an atmosphere of positive vibes.

A study has proven that music is a very efficient way to relieve depressive symptoms and anxiety. During this time inside, it can be difficult to find joy knowing that we can’t interact with our friends anymore. Through a survey, students listed their favorite songs and artists that they have been listening to during this time in quarantine.

“I have been listening to a lot of Brett Eldridge and his songs that make me think of summer,” sophomore Olivia Grammel said.

Summer is just around the corner and students are preparing by listening to some beats that remind them of a happier time.

“I have been listening to a lot on my Spotify playlist which is mostly a mixture of 80’s to 2000's but not much if any rap. Some artists include The Weekend, Lorde, Shakira, Coldplay, Imagine Dragons, and Queen,” sophomore Katie Hiernaux said.

Many students have kicked it old school to the best hits that they have listened to growing up.

Several students are intrigued by all types of genres of music. Below are what other students have said about their favorite beats that they have been jamming to at home.

“I have been listening to Billie Eilish,” senior Sunny Kim said.

“I've been listening to Christian rock and pop music, Skillet, and for King & Country,” senior Kateri Wielgos said.

Junior Kaitlynn Berger mentioned that, “ the Jonas Brothers, Hunter Hayes, Niall Horan, and Shawn Mendes,” have been her favorite artists to jam to.

“I have been listening to Harry Styles,” freshman Jaiden Polly commented.

“Nirvana and Fleetwood Mac have been my favorite artists to listen to,” junior Caroline Kammerer said.

“I have been listening to Bon Jovi, Mötley Crüe, Public, Sofie Tucker, and Def Leppard,” senior Evie Wurzelbacher said.

Junior Blake Rolfes said he has been listening to, “Luke Combs - What you see is what you get.”

“My favorite artists that I have been listening to are Charlie Cunningham, Sons Of The East and Hollow Coves,” senior Ellie Hall said.

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe