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No Shave November

November is an exciting time for Badin guys. For the low price of ten dollars, any man can go a whole month without shaving.

This is a gift for most people like seniors Nathan Schuster and A.J Rowland.

“I am doing no shave because it’s kind of a cool thing to do since we have to be clean shaven in school. It’s nice to wake up and not have to worry about shaving,” Schuster said.

Not having the shave is a miracle for some because shaving is such a hassle and a waste of time. Badin has strict rules about having a clean shaven face and not having facial hair.

“The best part about no shave is hearing people say ‘dang you look so old and it’s only been a week!’” Schuster said.

“My favorite part of no shave November is seeing who can grow out the most hair,” Rowland said.

At the end of the month all the participants in no shave November will gather to get a group picture. Sadly Schuster has had to shave once because he has senior pictures in the coming days. Rowland is still going strong and is in the best position to win best facial hair.