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Weirdest white elephant gift received at Badin

By: Mikey Madden

A white elephant gift exchange is a common tradition shared by families during the holiday season. The tradition involves giving unusual and impractical gifts to your loved ones for a good laugh. We decided to ask the Badin community if they’ve ever participated in this fun tradition.

Junior Connor Kurtz and his family have been involved in the tradition for several years.

“Every year I give my sister an item from the Nickelodeon show Doug, she hates it, but she knows that she has to keep them because they are Christmas gifts,” Kurtz said.

Sophomore Ashleigh Green seems to enjoy her experiences with white elephant gifts, even though she was once given a weapon.

“I was given a crossbow from my uncle,” Green said.

Senior Andy Moore has also been involved in this unusual tradition with his family.

“I gave a Himalayan Salt lamp, and I received a rainbow poop emoji pillow,” Moore said. “We do it every year on Christmas Eve with my dad’s side of the family.”

A white elephant gift exchange is a fun tradition that helps spread laughter amongst families during the holiday season. If you are ever looking for a new way to bring your family closer together, maybe a white elephant gift exchange can be the solution.