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Santa Claus Isn't Real?!

We all remember the excitement bustling around Christmas morning when we were younger. But when did you figure out that mom or dad really just got you that new toy down the street at Walmart and not from Santa at the North Pole?

Below, students shared how they found out that the big man in the red suit with magical reindeer, only exists in the movies and dozens of malls.

Sophomore Alexis Vonbargen said it was, “4 or 5 years ago. I thought the wrapping paper looked like my mamaws.”

“When I was in first grade. I woke up from my sleep and heard a loud thud, and I went downstairs to see what was going on. I saw my parents putting gifts under the tree,” freshman Annabelle Payne said.

Freshman Elizabeth Colonel said, “when I was in fourth grade. “Santa” would write letters to me and I realized that Santa’s signature look EXACTLY the same as my dads!”

“8 years old. I asked my mom and never answered my question so I asked my dad,” freshman Trevor Schmidt said.

“I never believed he was real. My parents always taught me that he wasn’t and that Christmas is really about Jesus,” said Senior Kateri Wielgos.

Sophomore Ashley Nartker said, “I found out Santa wasn’t real in like 3rd or 4th grade. I saw my brother move my elf on the shelf.”

“5th grade. My teacher yelled at me for still believing,” junior Kaitlynn Falk said.

Freshman Megan Covey said, “when I was 9, my mom told me about the tooth fairy and I then knew that everything wasn’t real.”

With Christmas just around the counter make sure to thank your family and friends and have a Merry Christmas!☃️