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Teacher Feature: Mrs.Butz

By: Katie Ropka

Mrs. Butz has quickly become a favorite teacher at Badin. What most people don't know is that she previously worked here before spending some time teaching at MND.

“My husband’s job moved us to Florida for about a year. When we returned, I was waiting for a call from Brian [Pendergest],” Mrs. Butz said.

People who come to Badin say they feel a strong sense of community. When talking to Mrs. Butz about what she missed most about Badin, she felt the same way.

“I love the staff and welcoming environment here, it’s like a second family,” Mrs. Butz said.

After leaving Badin, Mrs. Butz spent time teaching religion at MND, an all-girl Catholic school in Reading. Here at Badin, Mrs. Butz teaches religion classes in the morning along with Mrs. Minton.

“I loved my department at MND as well, but with the schedule offered to me here and it being like a second home, I couldn’t stay away,” Mrs. Butz said.

Mrs. Minton is the senior religion teacher who now teaches classes at the end of the day instead of every senior religion class. She and Mrs. Butz work closely together and have known each other for a while.

“We were hired at the same time. She taught juniors and I taught seniors,” Mrs. Minton said.

Mrs. Minton wanted to work more with campus ministry, so she knew she would need some extra help teaching the seniors.

“I love working with kids and leaders and being on retreats,” Mrs. Minton said.

“Having Mrs. Butz frees me up because I could not teach all six periods and work with campus ministry,” Mrs. Minton said.