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Cinnamon roll scandal

Turmoil erupts through Badin Highschool regarding the cinnamon rolls served in the cafeteria. Students inquire about the change that took affect late last school year.

On a typical school day, new items on the cafeteria menu draw an increase in students who buy lunch. However, when students first experienced the new cinnamon rolls being sold, not all of them had happy feelings.

Cafeteria worker Jennifer Burley who oversees Badin’s baked goods heard many students say, “What happened to the size of the cinnamon rolls?”

At first glance, the new cinnamon rolls appear much smaller in size which accounted for many of the complaints made. However, those brave enough to try the new ones would be in for a surprise.

Junior Alex Delong commented that while there is a definite size difference, the new cinnamon rolls make up for the lack in size with taste.

“There’s more flavor to them, and the bigger ones they were bigger, but I don't think they had as much flavor.”

Delong’s suspicions were confirmed when Burley revealed the reason behind the big change.

“The bigger size seemed to have less cinnamon, and they seemed to dry out easier when they were cooked because I had to cook them longer because of the size,” Burley said.

Previously, Badin has received food from the company Ellen Bee, but due to affordability, they made the decision to change to Sysco.

“The Ellen Bee company was much more expensive for us to purchase items from and when we switched to Sysco, things were a lot more reasonably priced. But it’s the same items, the same exact cinnamon roll there’s just a different size to it.”

This new change went into effect towards the end of the last school year, which is when many people began to comment on the change.

“They are way smaller and almost look like they forgot to cook them,” Sophomore Jada Pohlen said. “This greatly upsets me because it has actually made me not want to buy them at all.”

While this may be the case for numerous amounts of students, there has not been an actual decrease in sales for these cinnamon rolls.

“I mean I guess if you did have the bigger ones you would buy less because it would fill you up more, but I usually buy like two or three each no matter which one,” Delong said.

For those who were big cinnamon roll lovers and saddened that the old ones are no longer available, Burley encourages them to give the new ones a chance.

“I think the new cinnamon rolls are better, they’re not as dry.”

Apart from the cinnamon rolls, another famous dessert item in the Badin community are the massive chocolate chip cookies.

These cookies are by far a favorite, and some students testified to have detected a slight change in their flavor. For clarification, the chocolate chip cookies are being made with slightly different ingredients whereas in reality, the new cinnamon rolls are not.

“The cookies actually were the same up until recently. Sysco was not gonna carry that brand anymore so those actually changed brand, whereas the cinnamon rolls stayed the same brand. We are now making David’s chocolate chip cookies,” Burley said.

Menu items are bound to come and go, it is not foreign that Badin is serving food different than what they’ve had before. However, the best way to deal with these changes is to face them.

For those who used to to buy a delicious cinnamon roll every dollar day, it is urged to take up this tradition once more. The lunch ladies promise they are not as bad as they may seem.

“Try the cinnamon roll before you criticize,” Burley said.