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Quarantine Days: newfound free time

By: Kim Salerno

Many students and teachers are adapting to online classes with Google classes. With many public places shut down, students have more time for new and old hobbies.

“While trying to juggle homework, I’ve been putting in more hours at work and playing video games," junior Jacob Collins commented.

Although many students are enjoying sleeping in, they miss the routine they usually have.

“What I miss most about school is being able to pass friends in the hallway that I have no way of contacting or seeing now due to the virus. I see them on a regular basis at school but now, I don’t know what they are doing or how they are," junior Caitlin Smith said.

Students are finding various ways to cope with self isolation. Art and reading projects have become the new normal to see on social media due to schools in Ohio being shut down.

“In my free time, I have been reading and writing a lot. Also, I have been trying to get in exercise during the day and watching various movies at night,” junior Lucy Wurzelbacher.

Schools across the world have moved to online teaching and classes. Badin has been one of many schools to include Google Classroom and Zoom in its regular schedule.