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Weird news: February edition

February, the month of love, Leap Day, and the Super Bowl. It seemed to be a pretty chill month, nothing too pressing crossed the news outside of Coronavirus fears and democratic debates.

But it turns out not all Coronavirus fears have been diminished as an armed robbery took place in Hong Kong, stealing hundreds and hundreds of toilet paper rolls.

With the Coronavirus outbreak spreading throughout China, the one thing many people have run low on was toilet paper. As their supplies started dropping low, three men decided to take action. Armed with knives they each stole fifty packs of toilet paper each from a delivery man. The police did catch two out of the three thieves and are still searching for the third.

Though the Coronavirus fears aren't stopping most people, this little girl decided that the best place to celebrate her birthday wasn’t at some place filled with action, but the nearby Target store.

An eight year old girl in Atlanta has an obsession with the Target retail chain, so much so that she wanted to celebrate her birthday there. The family made little uniforms for the girl and ten of her friends, even giving them walkie-talkies and the store manager supplying them with little name tags.

The kids went on a scavenger hunt throughout the store, putting things back when it was over like employees do. The group also drank icees and ate bullseye cookies and a Target themed cake.

The birthday bash swept through Twitter like a storm, but another wide-spread social media event took place online, the broom challenge.

A fake claim spread throughout the internet from NASA saying that on February 10, and only that day, your broom would be able to stand upright due to the gravitational pull of Earth and the vernal equinox.

Though the claim was false as the equinox doesn’t occur till March 19 and NASA didn’t actually make the claim. Many people still enjoyed doing the challenge and found it possible, though not from the pull of Earth’s gravity.

So that’s the weird news that happened last month! Armed toilet paper robberies, Target birthdays, and the broom challenge. Let’s see what strange things happen this month.