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Winter Sports Pep Rally

This past Friday, we had a shortened class schedule and a Green and White Out of Uniform day for our annual Winter Sports Pep Rally.

As Mr. Allen welcomed each team into the gym, the representing seniors poured in and stood in front of the school. The sports introduced were bowling, boys and girls basketball, wrestling, track, gymnastics and swim.

After the sports were introduced, each class had a few representatives to play in some exciting games. Mrs. Keating set up the games, along with Student Council.

The games present were Hungry Hungry Hippos and a sleeping bag race.

The classes that won the games each received Spirit Points for our upcoming all school Spirit Week. The winner of the Hungry Hungry Hippos game was the Senior Class, and the winner of the sleeping bag race was the Junior Class! Pushing Seniors to 1, Juniors to 3, Sophomores to 4, and Freshman to 2.