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Senior Check Up

By: Katie Ropka

1) What will you miss most about Badin?

2) What are you most excited for after graduation?

3) What is your favorite memory from senior year?

4) Are you sad to leave Badin?

5) What are your plans for after high school?

Avery Buckle

1) I will of course miss all my friends, but i will especially miss the Badin mac and cheese.

2) I'm excited to meet more people and have a lot more freedom after graduation.

3) My favorite memory from senior year so far was my senior night. The underclassman wrote funny poems about all of us and read them to all the people watching the game. It was kind of embarassing, but funny.

4) I'm sad to leave Badin because I'm going to miss seeing all my friends, but I'm excited to get out of my comfort zone and start a new chapter in my life.

5) I'm still undecided in excatly where im going to college, but right now I'm thinking about playing soccer at University of West Alabama.

Nathan Schuster

1) I will miss coming into school and knowing I will be able to see and talk to all my friends.

2) I'm excited to have a more lenient schedule in college and not have to wake up as early.

3) My favorite memory so far was playing football in the regional finals.

4) Yes, in all honesty I'll miss all the teachers I have formed close relationships with, but I'm excited for the next step in my life.

5) My plans for after high school include either attending Miami University or Ohio State University. I plan to major in accounting and hope to get my CPA.

Kaden Kimbrell

1) I'm going to miss a lot of the administration, Mr. Cole and Mr. Imhoff, because they're my dudes.

2) After graduation I'm most excited to have a fresh start.

3) My favorite memory so far was getting to lead the student section at the first football game and seeing the entire student section hyped up.

4) No, I'm not really sad to leave Badin. I'm excited to start a new part of my life.

5) My plans for after Badin are going to the United States Air Force Academy that I recently got accepted into.