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The Good Old Days

By Rachael Cadman

It’s now 2020 and our childhood is slowly ending as we get into adulthood. Adulthood is full of many opportunities but also hardships that will test us to become the best that we can be. Instead of focusing on our scary futures, let’s take a look at some of the memories that made our childhood’s great.

“Traveling to Florida in the summer to visit my grandparents and swimming, boating, playing with their dogs and eating Dunkin Donuts for breakfast,” sophomore Katie Hiernaux said.

Travelling is a big part of people’s childhood memories but many of us can still remember staying up late to watch those classic TV shows.

“My favorite childhood memory is watching TV late at night and hearing the Full House theme song, or Nickelodeon switching to Nick At Night,” Haylie Jacobs said.

Some childhood memories even revolved around Badin.

“My favorite memory from when I was a kid was hearing all of my sister’s Nerf gun stories,” freshman Ty Berkeley said.

Even our favorite memories come from us acting extremely foolish.

“My favorite memory from my childhood was getting expelled for pulling the fire alarm in the school and the bus. When I pulled it on the bus, I thought it would make the bus go faster, and when it went off, I thought the bus was charging up to go fast. I was five at the time and I thought it was a blast,” freshman Conner Hootman said.

Adulthood will always be a mystery, but our childhood will always be there to get us through it all.