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It's just a Badin thing

By: Lucy Wurzelbacher

There are definitely certain traditions here at Badin...some clumsier than others. Every Badin student has fallen in step (literally) with some of the traditional habits at Badin.

Please enjoy reading the top ten things that a majority of Badin students have experienced before:

  1. Have tripped up or down the stairs or just over nothing
  2. Eaten chicken everyday
  3. Fought over parking spots
  4. Stood in the middle of the hallway or walked the opposite way of everyone else
  5. Dropped your calculator and all the batteries fell out
  6. Forgotten where your locker was or the combination after a long break
  7. Did homework in homeroom
  8. Cut the Senior Line when you’re not a senior
  9. Kept pictures of friends or teachers in your badge
  10. Forgotten your badge

Apart from the list, there are still several traditions not mentioned that are lingering around the Badin hallways.

“I think everyone has definitely walked into a wrong class before,” Junior Issy Helton mentioned.

Aside from trying to go to history class instead of math by accident, a lot of traditions lie inside the classrooms as well.

“Probably watching YouTube or playing games on our iPads when we’re bored,” Senior Evie Wurzelbacher said.

From the clumsy mishaps to the all chicken diet, Badin wouldn’t be Badin without these traditions. When all else fails, just choose the Badin thing to do.