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Katie Hiernaux: the ticket selling genius

Every year in the third quarter, Badin students are given opportunities for days off, money and many other prizes.

To win these prizes, students must sell a certain number of tickets, which is usually $100 or 20 tickets.

Some students sell more than others, but sophomore Katie Hiernaux sells more than anyone at school.

She was one of the top ticket sellers last year and the top seller this year.

Hiernaux says, “I would say over $500 dollars but I’m not sure.” That is over five times the amount the average student sells.

Hiernaux doesn’t just do it for the fame and glory though, she sells for the prizes and the chance to win some free tuition.

Her mother is one of her biggest supporters in the ticket selling business.

“Personally after a certain point, I don’t care, but my mom wanted me to sell to get my name in a raffle. My mom wanted me to get the tuition," Hiernaux said.

So while others sit on their butts and watch TV, Hiernaux is out selling tickets. This leaves people wondering, how does she do it?

She wants others to sell tickets too. This is not only for her, but for Badin. She has some tips on how to sell.

“I would say just go out and sell in your neighborhood. Ask your family because you never know who would buy tickets," Hiernaux said.

Overall we have sold over $45,000 tickets and after the final count we are hoping to be over $55,000. With more students like Katie, we will surely surpass that goal!