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ACT: friend or foe?

The ACT is a standardized test that determines the futures of the junior class as they head into their senior year of high school.

The ACT consists of four sections: Language, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. Students are prepared throughout their junior year, with ACT styled questions to help them when the day comes.

Students are also allowed to participate in ACT prep courses such as Torch Prep, but many use the free ACT as starting point before they do any actual prep to increase their score.

“I aimed for a 24 when I took the ACT and got it without any prep. I just felt like it wouldn’t help me even if I prepped because the test is all strategy and I already knew what I was going to do,” said senior Anna Field.

The test is taken to show colleges a student’s ability in the four different areas. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses when it comes to school so their test scores will vary in the different subjects.

“I am most nervous for the math portion of the test because math is my worst subject but I am more prepared for the English portion because it is my best subject,” said junior Jula Creech.

Students agonize over this test because they know the implications that it has on their life after high school. The ACT still shows your academic skills, but now colleges are looking for different things in the incoming freshmen.

“I am indifferent when it comes to the ACT because I know that colleges like Xavier aren’t even worried about the ACT score at all. That said, it is still important to try your senior year of high school because colleges still look at your transcript,” said junior Kaitlynn Falk.

The ACT overall, is an important part of a student’s academic journey and shouldn’t be taken lightly, but it also doesn’t ruin your chances of getting into the college of your dreams if you don’t get the score you want.

Study hard!