Team 31

NextLevel Intra-Bladder Device: Pain Relief Device for Those with Interstitial Cystitis

Team Members:

Katelyn Meehan
Lauren Simanovsky
Thomas Nguyen
Zach McManamy
Paul Banister

Team Mentors:
Dr. Jessica Weaver, PhD - Arizona State University, SBHSE

Dr. Thi Tran, MD - St. Joseph's Hospital

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Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is a chronic bladder condition that causes discomfort or pain within the bladder and pelvic region. Currently, there is no diagnostic test for IC other than testing and excluding all other options. There are also no long term pain management solutions for it. The product concept at hand is creating a drug delivery device to release medication that will relieve pain in the bladder. At the moment, one of the largest customer needs is to have a device last for a longer period of time. This is due to the current treatment options only lasting for a maximum time of one month. Our product, NextLevel intra-bladder device, will be able to provide relief for approximately one year. There are currently no products on the MedTech Market like this that can be placed in the bladder long term to provide extended pain relief. The main product design is the shape of a ring small enough to place through the urethra and still hold enough to release .512 mg a day of dexamethasone to relieve pain for the one year. The ring-shaped device will be made out of PDMS, making it flexible enough to insert into the bladder and then open up to prevent the device from coming out. We have been able to run multiple tests through virtual and physical prototype testing to ensure effectiveness. Based on competitors in the Gynecology and Urology MedTech Market, our product will come out with the competitive price point of $700. This will provide a steady stream of income to keep everything running.

Katelyn Meehan

Lauren Simanovsky

Thomas Nguyen

Zach McManamy

Paul Banister