Game 21

College Mayhem! “Forks Up!"

Team Members:
Gisselle Beltran

Edward Chan

Michael Dsaachs

Ariel Gravino

Makaelah Napolitano

YouTube Link:
View the video links below before joining the zoom meeting

Zoom Link:


Congratulations! You made it through the twists and turns of high school. Due to your accomplishments, you have been given the opportunity to attend college completely FREE OF CHARGE! So, buckle up and get ready for the next four years. This is your chance to rebrand yourself. Begin your journey by choosing your student-role: Athlete, Bookwork, STEM kid, Greek life, Business, or Liberal Arts. If you thought high school was difficult, you’re in for a treat. Will you be able to balance your social life with your academic life? How will your choices affect your college experience? What will you do to earn enough credits to graduate? Will you stay on top or drown under piles and piles of school work? The choice is yours. During this experience, you will define your own story and do whatever it takes to graduate and obtain your dream career.

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