Game 18

Dead Don't Rest

Team Members:
Madison Branch

Isaac Montelongo

Brette Mullenaux

Jasmine Peterson

Justin Wilson

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“Dead Don’t Rest” is a classic story of survival, betrayal, skill and a lot of luck... with a twist. Do your best to survive an endless trail fraught with danger through dark forests, a lake of hungry sirens, decrepit graveyards and a castle that is said to be home to the devil himself. It won't be easy. The skills of you and your companions will be tested every step of the way, and if you are unlucky (or if one of your companions decides that you are a little too trusting) you may fall prey to the traps and terrors of the trail. But lucky for you, in this story death isn’t the end. After you pass onto the next life, you can use your ghostly powers to help (or hinder) those who are left wondering and potentially return to life as a survivor... at the cost of another. Good luck and may the best player win!

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