Medical Issues
However, children do not cope happily in school if they are unwell. The following information is guidance for the number of days your child should stay at home when they suffer from common childhood illnesses:
Measles - 7 days from the sight of the rash
Mumps - Until the swelling has gone down (7 days approx)
German Measles - 4 days from the sight of the rash
Diarrhoea - Until 48 hours after the diarrhoea has stopped
Chicken pox - 7 days from sight of the rash
Impetigo - Until the skin is healed or 24 hours after the start of the antibiotics
Scabies - Until 24 hours after starting treatment
Scarlet Fever - Until 24 hours after starting antibiotics
Head lice - Return immediately after treatment
We ask parents to inform school if their child has head lice so that we can send a warning text to other parents in your child’s class – your child of course will not be named.
To avoid the problems that ‘headlice’ can cause it is vitally important that children’s hair is regularly checked and treated when necessary – it only takes one child not to be treated to sustain the headlice issue. The school nurse can support and provide advice with headlice.
First aid equipment is kept in a central store in the school admin area for immediate use in the event of an accident. However, each classroom has a ‘first aid kit’ which can be accessed by our Paediatric first aid trained Learning and Teaching Assistants.
If your child is ill or injured we will contact either you or the emergency contact immediately. This is one reason why it is vitally important to keep the academy admin team informed of any change of phone contact details. If a child needs to be taken to hospital a parent or guardian must be in attendance, only in very exceptional circumstances will the school take responsibility for medical action. Under these circumstances a responsible person will accompany your child.