Early Years & KS1 

Early Years (Remarkable Rebels, Nursery & Reception,) Y1& Y2 Provision

Our Early years and KS1 provision comprises a 32 place (16 morning & 16 afternoon) 2 year old setting: Rebels, 60 place Nursery setting (30 morning and 30 afternoon places or equivalent,) a 30 place Reception class with 30 places available in our Year 1 & Year 2 classes.  

Our Early Years & KS1 Leader is Miss Pounder, Assistant Vice-Principal.

Caldicotes outline of the new EYs Framework for September 2020

Caldicotes; early adopters of the new Early  Years Framework in 2020

the slides across provide an outline of the changes to the new Early Years Framework which our setting has adopted since September 2020 as an early adopter prior to the statutory implementation in September 2021.

Our 2 year old provision, Remarkable Rebels, is attached to our Nursery provision and  is the first step on the remarkable learning journey for our Caldicotes' children.

Click here to see more about our Remarkable Rebels.  Mrs Dean leads the provision in Remarkable Rebels.

Children attend nursery for 5 sessions a week, either 5 mornings, 5 afternoons or 2½ days at the beginning or 2½ days at the end of the week. There is a connecting doorway within the setting that enables effective collaboration and transition between the two Early Years' rooms within our setting. Our provision is enhanced by the large outdoor area that all the children access to engage in a variety of learning activities. 

Miss Pounder leads our provision in Nursery.

Children attend nursery for 5 sessions a week, either 5 mornings, 5 afternoons or 2½ days at the beginning or 2½ days at the end of the week. There is a connecting doorway within the setting that enables effective collaboration and transition between the two Early Years' rooms within our setting. Our provision is enhanced by the large outdoor area that all the children access to engage in a variety of learning activities. 

Miss Pounder leads our provision in Nursery.

Mr Barnbrook leads our Year 1 provision and builds upon the children's learning from the Early Years framework, supporting them to engage with the National Curriculum content and secure phonic knowledge ready for the Phonic Screening Check in June.

The children continue to access continuous provision areas to support and embed learning and develop skills; communication, independence, collaboration, self-regulation, problem solving. 

To build upon the foundations of learning the children secure in Early Years, Year 1 and 2 work as part of the team, to ensure successful transition of learning into the National Curriculum.

Miss Crabbe leads our Year 2 provision. She supports, challenges and secures the children's learning from Year 1 to enable our Y2 pupils to successfully engage with end of Key Stage 1 curriculum content.  

Our Y2 children continue to access continuous provision areas to support and embed learning and develop skills; communication, independence, collaboration, self-regulation, problem solving, building upon their experiences from Year 1.

To build upon the foundations of learning the children secure in Early Years, Year 1 and 2 work as part of the team, to ensure successful transition of learning into the National Curriculum.

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