E-safety at Caldicotes

Staying safe online - being digitally resilient

In Caldicotes we recognise the huge impact accessing content and making use of the online world has on our modern day lives. We aim to support every Caldi child to become 'digitally resilient' so that they can safely with understanding, make good use of social media and digital resources online to enhance their lives and wellbeing.

Our Computing and PSHCE curriculum provision ensure that our children are taught discretely to consider the fact and fiction of what they see online, explore ways that encourage and persuade people to believe or buy products, how the online world can be unsafe and importantly, recognise that on and offline behaviour should be the same high standard, showing respect, & tolerance for others.

What you need to know about ... (E-safety)

E-safety event - 10th October 2023

Visitors from 'Digital Resilience' and 'ParentZone' shared key messages with families about how we can develop digital literacy and build our children's knowledge and confidence to stay safe online.

Show your camera to the QR codes to link you to the videos and information about the various different digital options that your child may well be using. 

It is better to be informed and start a conversation about safe usage of these apps and games.

Apple Ipad & Apple pen winner

Congratulations to our family who attended the E-safety event on 10.10.2023, attended each of the workshops on the various different digital content and was lucky enough to have their name drawn out of all the entries 👏

Take a moment to look at the various guides and info pages below that will help you to begin a conversation with your child to support them to stay safe online and become more digitally resilient.
