
More Able, Additional & Special Educational Needs

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Caldicotes Primary Academy is an inclusive setting for all children and families

At Caldicotes Primary Academy we aim to, "challenge and inspire all to have ambition and achieve their potential," which includes children with special educational needs (SEND) and those who are more able, gifted or talented (MAG&T). As part of our Inclusive ethos, we recognise that: a child does not have a learning difficulty solely because; their home language is different from that spoken in school; they are looked after by the local authority; they suffer from mental health issues; they have a medical problem. The needs of all vulnerable groups are met through careful identification, assessment and monitoring procedures in line with the SEND Code of Practice (January 2015.)

All class teachers differentiate the class work to meet the needs of individual children as part of the high quality teaching and learning provision within the academy, challenging all to 'find their remarkable!'.

More able, gifted & talented

All our staff with support from Miss Mount our SENDCo, oversee the more able, gifted and talented provision and enrichment activities for pupils who display particular gifts and talents.

Pupils identified with particular 'gifts' or 'talents' will be aded to the Inclusion register and families will be informed.

Throughout the year, children and families may be 'signposted' to specific opportunities, clubs and events that may enrich and enhance the gifts and talents of individuals in addition to the opportunities that are planned and timetabled during the academic year.

Special educational needs & disabilities

Miss Mount our SENDCo , liaises with teachers and the Senior Leaders to identify from our data and through progress dialogues with staff, the pupils who may require additional support to reach their potential. Working with the SLT and staff across the school Miss Mount oversees, monitors and evaluates the impact of interventions through the use of Edukey, an online tool.

Copy of 10 Things About...Inclusion.docx