
Form for Participation at School

Prefects Voting Form

Here is the link to the Weekly Quiz


T1 W5

Complete your own mihi by asking your parents for information about your family i.e. the names of your grandparents, where your family comes from, a mountain and river or sea that is associated with where you come from.

Here is the format to use.

Here is the mihimihi Whaea Raewyn has been teaching us that we could use living in Glen Innes. If you know your own with the names of your own waka, awa or moana, maunga, iwi etc you can practise that instead- the format for that is below.

Ko Maungarei te maunga. Mount Wellington is the mountain

Ko Tāmaki te awa. Tamaki is the river

Kei Glen Innes tōku kainga noho I stay in Glen Innes.

No Sāmoa/Tonga/Rarotonga/Aotearoa etc ahau I come from ________________

(No Samoa no Tonga ahau - if you come from more than 1 place)

Ko Pt England tōku kura I go to ___________________school.

Ko __________ rāua ko ___________ ōku koro My grandfathers are ____________ and ______________.

Ko __________ rāua ko ___________ ōku kuia My grandmothers are ____________ and ________________

Ko __________ tōku mātua My father is ________________

Ko ___________tōku whaea My mother is _______________

Ko ___________tōku/taku tuakana/teina/tungane (tōku tuakana -same sex older brother/sister , taku teina -same sex younger brother or sister,

tuahine -sister of a male, tungane- brother of a female)

Ko ____________ ratou ko _______ ko _______ ko ________ ōku tuakana/teina/tungane (if you have more than 2)

Ko _______ te matāmua ( _____ is the eldest)

Ko _______ te pōtiki ( _____is the youngest)

Ko au te matāmua/pōtiki (if you are the eldest or youngest)

____________ ōku tau. I am ___________ years old.

Ko ________________ taku ingoa. My name is _______________

No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou tēnā koutou katoa.

The Order of Introduction. (If you are Maori and know your tribal affiliations. Otherwise use te maunga, te moana and leave out the parts that don't apply)

Ko ____________________ tōku maunga

Ko ____________________ tōku moana

Ko ____________________ tōku awa.

Ko ____________________ tōku waka.

Ko ____________________ tōku iwi.

Ko ____________________ tōku hapu.

Ko ____________________ tōku marae.

Ko _____________ rāua ko ___________ōku matua tūpuna

Now if your parents come from the same place, continue as follows:

(a) Ko _____________ rāua ko ___________ ōku matua (parents)

Ko ____________________ tōku ingoa

If your parents come from two different places you do your father's side first.

(b) Ko ____________________ tōku matua tane

then go back to the top (Maunga) and come down your mother's side.

(c) Ko ____________________ tōku whaea

Ko ____________________ tōku ingoa