
Ma te whakapono

Ma te whakapono By believing and trusting

Ma te tumanako By having faith and hope

Ma te tititiro By looking and searching

Ma te whakarongo By listening and hearing

Ma te mahitahi By working and striving together

Ma te whakamomori By patience and perseverance

Ma te aroha By all being done with love

Ka taea e au I will succeed.

Whakataka te Hau

Whakataka te hau ki te uru,

(Cease the winds from the West,)

Whakataka te hau ki te tonga.

(Cease the winds from the South.)

Kia mākinakina ki uta,

(Let the breezes blow over the land,)

Kia mātaratara ki tai.

(Let the breezes blower over the ocean.)

E hī ake ana te atākura.

(Let the red-tipped dawn come)

He tio, he huka, he hauhunga.

(With a sharpened air, a touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.)

Tihēi Mauri Ora!

Ma te rongo

Ma te rongo ka mohio Through sounding comes awareness

Ma te mohio ka marama Through awareness comes understanding

Ma te marama ka matau Through understanding comes knowledge

Ma te matau ka ora. Through knowledge comes well being

Ahakoa nga ueue

Ahakoa nga ueue

Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui

When you find things that are difficult in life,

Stand strong, stand tall and be of great heart

Na Tane I toko

Na Tane I toko, ka mawehe e Rangi raua ko Papa

Nana I tauwehea ai Ka heuea te Po

Ka heuea te Ao

It is by the strength of Tane that the sky and Earth were separated, and Light was born.

In the Maori tradition, Tane separated earth and sky allowing light to shine on the earth, so freeing the world from darkness. A metaphor for the attainment of knowledge and enlightenment.

Ma te tika o te toki

Ma te tika o te toki

O te tangere, me te tohu

O te panaho,

Ka pai te tere

O te waka I nga momo

Moana katoa

By designing and shaping the keel

of the waka to perfection, your

canoe will overcome all obstacles

Ma pango ma whero, ka oti te mahi

Ma pango ma whero, ka oti te mahi

With black and with red the work is completed.

This proverb refers to the combined efforts of chiefs (who wore red ochre - whero, red) and slaves (pango, black).

Nau te rourou

Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora te manuhiri.

With your food basket and my food basket, the guests will be fed.

Again, the value of team effort is the message.

Whangia ka tupu

Whangia ka tupu, ka puawai

That which is nurtured, blossoms and grows

Whaaia te iti kahurangi,

Whaaia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me maunga teitei (or ...me he maunga teitei)

Pursue that which is precious, and do not be deterred by anything less than a lofty mountain

Ma te huruhuru

Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu

Without feathers the bird cannot fly

He aha te mea nui o te Ao?

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata!

What is the greatest thing of the world?

People, People, People.