Narrative - Never in my Life

Never in my life

Never in my life had I faced such a difficult challenge. The cargo net loomed in front of my nose. Sweat beaded down my forehead. I would never be ready for this.

It was Physical Education, and various gizmos and gadgets were lying about, inviting and enjoyable, just out of reach. The net was a requirement, and I needed to at least try to climb it. I was not a good climber, and never had been. Everything was telling me to turn around and walk away. I fought down the inviting feeling, although it continued to pull at my heart. I grabbed the net in my hands, swallowed encouragingly to myself, and began to climb, murmuring encouraging words to myself as I went. My eyes widened as I touched the ropes. What if I receive a rug-burn or splinter? my thoughts asked. I tried my hardest to ignore the feeling, but it was like trying to make a bridge over the whole of the Grand Canyon with nothing but a minute twig. I made slow progress, and slowed even further the longer I climbed.

Eventually, I stopped altogether. My strength was simply depleted, and the endlessly taunting goal was just too high to reach.

With sorrow in my voice, I called to the teacher that I was finished. I lowered myself down, merely thinking that I had tried my best. This fact is totally true, and to this day, I still most likely cannot climb the cruel, uncaring net. The only enlightening fact I noticed was that I had tried, and that was all that mattered.