Word/Sentence Building/Grammar Exercises

Sentence Explosion

See how many ways you can change these sentences by adding to the front/middle/back.

Make sure your sentences make sense, and your adding has enhanced them not made them clunky.

1. The

Grammar Exercise

Fill in the space with the missing word.

1. You _____ put your shoes on.

2. You should ______put your shoes on.

3. We _____ no money left.

4. We would ______ no money left if we didn't save it.

4 They _____ got 3 tries.

5. They might ______ got 3 tries if he had run faster.

6. We _______ gone to the movies.

7. We could ______ gone to the movies if we had not missed the bus.

Write down sentences using two of these words





1. He was studying the sciences and the arts _____________

2. What is the __________ temperature outside?

3. A ___________ problem was Tom's absence from school.

4. The topic we are ___________ studying is called Art Alive



Noun: Fortune, misfortune fortuitousness

Adjective: fortunate, misfortunate, unfortunate, fortuitous, unfortuitous

Adverb: fortunately, unfortunately, misfortunately, fortuitously, unfortuitously

1. It was very ____________ that he just missed the bus by minutes.

2. He slipped and _________ just missed, by millimeters, slashing his head on a sheet of metal.

3. It was his __________ that the rain came just as he left the house.



Noun: expression expressionist expressionism

Verb: express

Adjective: expressive unexpressive expressionless

Adverb expressively expressionlessly

What words fit in this word family?

1. Picasso's is often classified in the group of painters whose style is known as _____________

2. The speech was so boring as the speaker spoke ____________ . His voice was a monotone.

3. It is important to use __________ when recording your voice overs.

4. The painter tried to _________ the theme of loneliness by using dark colours.

5. "I love it," said declared _________.


Word Families


What words fit in this word family?

nouns -contentment discontentment

adjective - content discontent

adverb - contentedly discontentedly

From the words we generate which fits where?

1. The cat slept _________ on Tom's lap.

2.She felt quite _______ with her painting so she left it to dry.

3. Tiara slammed her book shut _______, feeling frustrated at not being able to make sense of it.

4. With ____________ she looked at her newly weeded garden and smiled.

5. The scowl on his face, as he opened he envelope, showed his __________ with his results.
