Character Description

Character Description Exercise 1

Read through this snapshot in time, character description. You need to improve it so that it incorporates more information about the character for the reader. Remember to show not tell, so you may need to make changes to what is already there. Remember also to make sure the paragraphs covers all the elements of an effective paragraph.


Ella looked at the names on the board. She turned around looking happy and said that her name was on the board. She had made it into the team.

Ella's finger scrolled down the list of names on the noticeboard. An anxious frown furrowed her brow as she stared with concentration at the paper. Suddenly her finger came to a stop and she swung around, the movement making her sun-streaked hair flick across the beaming smile that now shone on her face. "I made it," she announced with amazement to Sandy waiting beside her. Ella was really good at netall. She was very fit and coordinated. Her lean, toned physique meant she was naturally good at just about every sport possible. But despite this her lack of confidence meant she always underestimated her abilities. She was the only one therefore who was surprised to see her name there on the list.

Character Description Exercise 2

You are going to write a description of a friend of yours. Your description is going to be part of a snapshot in time so think of a situation where you are with your friend. Try to include details that describe what they are like through their actions, through what they say, through their reactions, through descriptions intertwined in the action,

e.g. As she turned to look at me in disbelief, her long sleeky black ponytail flicked across her face.

You may add etra details that don't happen in that snapshot but through your narration.

e.g. Sarah was always late. At her house I'd often heard her mother complain about it, "Sarah get a move on...Sarah you're going to miss the bus.....Sarah, Anahera has been here waiting for you for ages."


out this table first then write.

Copy this table into your own google doc then fill it out.

Character Description Slideshow

Character Description Exercise 3

A Snapshot

Write a short descriptive piece using this photo of an old woman as your motivation. Imagine you have come across her somewhere and it is you she is looking at. Do you already know her? Think of a scenario as to why you are with her. Describe her using the vocab. Remember to describe her by also showing what she does/actions. Maybe include something she says to you.

Task 1: Without writing anything down make her real to you. What is her life's story? With a partner make up this up.

Task 2: (Note: You don't need to write her story you have made up in your piece of writing but it will help you make her seem more real.)

a) Plan

Par 1. Seeing her

b) Now write your descriptive scenario of meeting her. This is a short piece 2-3 paragraphs.

Task 3: Analyse your writing against the effective writing checklist.

When you have finished fill out the effective writing checklist. (Copy and paste the √)