
Narrative: Short Story.-


1. Orientation- Hook to get your reader interested

Build in the setting and details about the character/s

2. Rising Action/Complication-

where events in the story become complicated and the conflict is revealed.

3. Climax: Highest point of interest.

The turning point of the story. The reader wonders what will happen next, will the conflict be resolved or not?

4. Resolution:

The events and complications begin to resolve themselves.


Here are 2 versions for the orientation for a short story.

The first one is where the setting and character details are just stated.

The second one has tried to wind the setting and character details into the story.

Orientation 1

One day when Toby was walking to school he saw something strange. It was a foggy cold day. Toby was an 11 year old boy with scruffy brown hair that was in desperate need of a cut. He was short for his age and always felt he needed to prove to everyone that being small meant nothing, that he could do and be anything he wanted.

Orientation 2

Toby scuffed his foot against a stone, sending it scuttling down the footpath and into the gutter. “Only another two blocks to go,” he thought to himself. Walking to school every morning was a bit of a drag, particularly this morning when the fog hung like a damp blanket, making a film of moisture cling to his hair and clothes. But then Toby wasn’t one to let things bother him too much. He was a short, wiry boy who was often mistaken as being much younger than his 11 years. Something that made him even more determined to prove to everyone that being small meant nothing. That he could do and be anything he set his mind to. “I’ll show them,” he muttered under his breath as he flicked his brown scruffy hair, in desperate need of a cut, out of his eyes and hoisted his bag over his shoulder.
