Writing Continuum

Year One Writing

  • Writing simple sentences.

  • Using new words in their writing.

  • Finding words to use in their writing.

  • Having ideas to write about.

  • Writing can be understood by the audience.

  • Using a picture to plan their writing.

  • Writing letters correctly.

  • Writing from left to right and leaving spaces.

  • Recording some sounds in unknown words.

  • Writing the frequently used words for year 1.

  • Using full stops and capital letters.

Year 2 Writing

  • Writing the frequently used words for year 2.

  • Using words like ‘and or because’ to join ideas.

  • Using a picture (brainstorm) to plan their story.

  • Using words from personal experience.

  • Using the appropriate word endings.

  • Making a close approximation to an unknown word.

  • Using topic related words.

  • Using a variety of sentence beginnings.

  • Using correct grammar.

  • Beginning to edit their work for meaning, grammar and spelling.

  • Showing an awareness of audience.

  • Writing several sentences about one idea.

  • Using a variety of sentence structures and ways of joining ideas.

  • Using basic punctuation appropriately.

Year 3 Writing

  • writing independently.

  • writing for a number of purposes.

  • using full stops, capitals, commas, exclamation marks, question marks and speech marks.

  • spelling basic words at year 3 level.

  • writing for others (audience awareness).

  • planning and organising ideas before writing.

  • writing on a topic and including detail.

  • including new and interesting topic based vocabulary in writing.

  • writing sentences using a variety of beginnings and lengths.

  • attempting to edit work for meaning, grammar, spelling using an editing guide.

  • beginning to build sentences into a paragraph.

Writing Year 4

  • writing for a number of purposes.

  • using a range of punctuation accurately.

  • spelling basic words and attempting more complex words.

  • writing for others (audience interest).

  • organising and writing ideas in order, for paragraphs and whole texts.

  • writing a variety of sentences with different beginnings, and of different lengths.

  • writing using a range of sentence types eg. simple, compound and complex, questions,

statements, speech, exclamation.

  • including detailed ideas, comments, experiences or information relevant to the topic.

  • using mostly correct English Grammar.

  • using a variety of interesting words and phrases to enhance the writing.

  • editing work for meaning, grammar, spelling and audience appeal using an editing guide

Year 5/6 Writing

  • Writing effectively in a variety of contexts for specific purposes.

  • Gaining impact according to audience and purpose.

  • Deliberately choosing language features to enhance writing.

  • Developing meaningful ideas, adding detail and comment, showing some selectivity.

  • Grouping ideas into paragraphs that have one key idea.

  • Linking sentences on from one another to add detail to the main idea.

  • Using a variety of sentence beginnings and types.

  • Using complex and simple sentences for effect.

  • Writing grammatically correct sentences.

  • Capturing the audience in the first paragraph (hooks, sets the scene, defines, appeals).

  • Linking paragraphs to develop ideas.

  • Writing an effective conclusion.

  • Using complex vocabulary appropriately.

  • Choosing words and phrases to create atmosphere and mood.

Year 7 Writing

  • Writing effectively in a variety of contexts for specific purposes.

  • Gaining impact according to audience and purpose.

  • Deliberately choosing language features and content that are relevant to the writing task

  • Refining meaningful ideas, adding detail and supporting choices.

  • Grouping ideas into paragraphs that have one key idea

  • Linking sentences logically

  • Using complex and simple sentences for effect

  • Consistently writing grammatically correct sentences

  • Getting buy in the the first paragraph (hooks, sets the scene, defines, appeals)

  • Linking paragraphs to develop ideas

  • Writing an effective conclusion

  • Using a range of specific vocabulary appropriately, and with increasing confidence.

  • Making careful and thoughtful choices of words and phrases according to the type of writing / appropriate to the text

Year 8 Writing

  • confidently and deliberately chooses the most appropriate processes and strategies for writing

  • show an understanding of the purpose for writing eg. choose the right text type to present their understanding

  • uses words and phrases that fit the topic, purpose and the audience

  • can plan effectively for writing

  • uses complex sentences that are grammatically correct

  • create paragraphs where the ideas are clearly related and link to other paragraphs

  • attempting to use more complex punctuation eg. brackets, semi-colons and colons

  • can create writing that is concise and relevant to a given task

  • effectively crafting and recrafting their writing

  • engaging their intended audience

  • actively seeking and responding to feedback given