Waiata 5

nā ngā Ika-a-Whiro o Te Panekiretanga


Tutungia te hatete o te reo’ meaning ‘ignite the fire of the language’ is a waiata composed by Leon Blake and

Pania Papa at Te Panekiretanga o te Reo (The Institute of Excellence in the Maori language) and illustrates the use of the metaphor likening fire to the health of the

language. This waiata is sung nationally.

E te akunga houhare

Oh you the industrious rank

tutungia te hatete o te reo

ignite the fire of the language

kia kongange, kia pūkauri

so that it blazes, and burns fiercely

kei pūrēhua, ka piroku, ka kewa

lest it flickers indistinctly, and eventually extinguishes

Ko te kanaku whitawhita

A healthy fire is by

o Kōingo, o Nako

both yearning, desire

me ngiha!

kept alight

Ponitakatia kia pūāhuru te noho

Surround yourself so that you are warmed

"Taku ahi tūtata, taku mata kikoha"

When my fire is close the point of my weapon is sharp. (This is a metaphor for when a cause (fire) is close to ones heart and interest, then the commitment, passion (point) is always greater.)

Ko te kanaku whitawhita

A healthy fire is by

o Kōingo, o Nako

both yearning, desire

me ngiha!

kept alight

Ponitakatia kia pūāhuru te noho

Surround yourself so that you are warmed

"Taku ahi tūtata, taku mata kikoha"

When my fire is close the point of my weapon is sharp

Kei pūrēhua, ka piroku

lest it flickers and get extinguished

kia kongange, kia pūkauri

so that it blazes, and burns fiercely

tutungia te hatete o te reo!

ignite the fire of the language

"Taku ahi tūtata, taku mata kikoha

When my fire is close the point of my weapon is sharp

te kanaku whitawhita o te reo e...hi!"

The healthy fire of the language.