Term 1 Lesson 2


WALT (We are learning to): Use expression to make our reading interesting and respond to a text in a pictorial form

Teacher Notes/Planning

Before reading the text. Who do you think is lost? What could the little boy do? What do you think the creature is?

Comprehension and understanding of the text:

After reading pg 3, how do you think the creature is feeling? What has happened so far in the story?

Pg 6, what is Mum thinking about the creature? Has she even seen him? Why do you think this?

What plans did Finn have to help the creature? How many posters would he need for it to work?

Pg 12, how should we read the words in capital letters? How is mum reacting now? What does the picture tell us about Mums reactions? Was Finn's plan successful? How can we tell?

Full expanded plan available here

Once again, this lesson focuses on one group of learners. While this recording is taking place, the other learners in my class are completing a range of independent activities to support their learning. Today, we have a teacher aide in the classroom as additional support.

The activities included:

Interacting with texts and activities using the Sunshine Classics

Completing Explain Everything activities as a follow up to their guided reading lessons (refer my reading planning for each group here)

Listening to read-aloud stories to increase their "reading to" mileage

Spelling test or blend activity created using Explain Everything and available via my class site here


Learners are starting to adjust to having the camera in the classroom, although again the audio is not ideal - I intend to work on this in future recordings to ensure my learners responses are more audible. Unfortunately some of my learners had read this book last year, so I was unable to draw out a full range of predictions about the story. Activities are scaffolded but then completed independently by the learners. Sometimes this can result in the learner misinterpreting my instructions or not completing the activity as I had intended. This is the case with today's lesson and I use this to inform my teaching practice in the next lesson. Several of the learners completed the rhyming word activity with words that do not exist. At the start of our next group session we addressed this and went over the words that were correct and those that were not part of English.








* Explain Everything app or Chromebook extension is required to view this project. NB: Project was created using Explain Everything Collaborative version but will still work with the standard version


Karen Belt

Pt England School, Auckland, NZ

Image Attribution:

Lost (Ready to Read)