Lesson 6


WALT (We are learning to): Brainstorm our ideas to make our writing interesting for the reader. Use capital letters and full stops in the right place.

Teacher Notes/Planning

Small group brainstorming of ideas for three distinct sentences. Include specific topic words as well as descriptive words. Gift vocabulary to learners to include in writing. Sharing ideas as part of the group.

Alliteration - introduction of alliteration into writing. What makes a group of words an alliteration? What words could we also include to make it a longer alliteration?

Identifying where capital letters and full stops should be - importance of names of people to have capital letters. Locating words needed for stories on word cards, brainstorm and around the classroom. Sounding out unknown words and identifying as many sounds as possible. Reread our story before independently posting to blog with a picture which matches our story.

Full expanded plan available here

Other learners in my class were completing an independent piece of writing on the same topic. This writing was to be used for informal assessment to assess their progress to date this term. They were required to locate the necessary words themselves in the classroom and from our whole class brainstorm of ideas. Once their writing was completed, they were to use Paperless to create a picture that matched their story and then post their writing and picture to their blog. Most learners chose to write using Google Docs, with three learners opting for pen and paper. Their completed blog posts are available here.


Learners were enthusiastic with their ideas and really keen to share (NB: Patience was absent for the Art Adventure so was quieter during this brainstorm). Was really pleased that learners were listening to the ideas of the others in the group and adding to their ideas or changing their ideas based on what had already been said. Alliteration was a late addition to the lesson as it fitted so perfectly with the words the learners had already brainstormed (had originally planned to look at adding some adjectives). Will need to go over this again with the learners but all seemed to grasp the initial concept and the need for the beginning letter to be the same.









Karen Belt

Pt England School, Auckland, NZ