Lesson 3


WALT (We are learning to): Use multiple sources to form an opinion, retell main events from our story and show my understanding of a text in a range of different ways

Teacher Notes/Planning

Text specific vocabulary - unpack before reading: wide, forest, delicious, diet, politely, shouted (big voice), swooped, muddy, sudden, grumpy, surprise, huge, splash.

We are learning to retell our story in our own words - specific scaffolding on retell - what are the main events from the story and what order did they happen in?

Discuss contents: This book has three chapters, what was each chapter about?

Where does the wide mouthed frog live? How is frog going to change his diet?

How did frog talk to bear? What does the bear eat?

Will frog eat the same thing as bear?

What do eagles eat? What did frog decide to eat? What did the frog learn from the story?

What did we learn about frogs in the story?

Full expanded plan available here

Once again, this lesson focuses on one group of learners. While this recording is taking place, the other learners in my class are completing a range of independent activities to support their learning.

The activities included:

Interacting with texts and activities using the Sunshine Classics

Completing Explain Everything activities as a follow up to their guided reading lessons (refer my reading planning for each group here)

Listening to read-aloud stories to increase their "reading to" mileage

Spelling test or blend activities created using Explain Everything and available via my class site here


While the audio is getting better, I hope to have this crisper for the next lesson in order to ensure the learners voice is always clear. For this lesson, the learners had read the text before the recording began, and so our brief discussion prior to reading was not captured. I noticed that sequencing of the retell still requires support with this group although they are beginning to get more of the main ideas. This text was longer than they have been reading as they have recently moved to a new level, so I need to give them strategies to help with retell over longer texts. The way the learners have collated the information in the table makes interesting viewing - this is the first time I've given them an activity like this and I can see several of them need further scaffolding before I take this to the next level. Noticeably, engagement with this activity was high and all learners worked independently to complete each aspect of the follow up learning.


Downloadable Link

Explain Everything Activity *






* Explain Everything app or Chromebook extension is required to view this project. NB: Project was created using Explain Everything Collaborative version but will still work with the standard version


Karen Belt

Pt England School, Auckland, NZ