- Using a Please Wait Page

Using a Please Wait Page

The amount of time it takes for a query to run depends on several factors, including the complexity of the operation, the amount of data being searched over, and the speed of the database connection. WOW allows you to display a "please wait" page for long

running queries. This please wait page appears immediately when a long-running query begins, and is replaced with the query results upon the completion of the operation. Showing a please wait page gives the user a more responsive experience than an

application which appears to do nothing for several seconds after a search is initiated.

To indicate that a query should display a please wait page to the user while it runs, you must add the PleaseWait property group to the operation’s Properties:

PleaseWait {}

The please wait page is normally used on larger queries or operations that may take longer than a few seconds to execute. Instead of showing the user a blank screen you will show them a specified please wait page that informs them the action is occurring. In the example below, we are not specifying a please wait page URL so that it uses the WOW default.

Specifying a PleaseWait{} property group in an operation.

Running All Employees operation.

Here is a sample of what the page will look like while the please wait .jsp is running.

When the SQL query finishes, the please wait page disappears and the operation results are displayed.