- Display and Possible Value Settings

Display Settings

    • Field Set - Field Sets are used to group different fields together. By entering a specific name in the Field Set section you can group different fields by the name given (Basic Settings and Display Settings are examples of Field Sets).

    • Display Order - Used to display fields in order specified by the number given (in ascending order). You can use any numbers when ordering fields.

    • Display Rule - Contains the rule to use when displaying this field. You can set the display rule to one of the following options:

    • Always - This field should be displayed whenever its row is displayed. This is the default setting.

    • Hide on insert - The field should not be displayed when its row is being inserted.

    • Hide on update - This field should not be displayed when its row is being inserted.

    • Hide on update and insert - [EE] This field should not be displayed when its row is being updated or inserted.

    • Never - This field should never be displayed.

There are other display rule options that are for WOW customer programmer only – you should only set the display rule to one of the values listed above.

    • Display Component - Indicates which display component should be used to display the field. Most of the time, WOW will pick which graphical component to use when displaying a field based on the type of data contained in the field. If you want to override the system default (for example, by using a text area instead of a text field to display character data), you can choose which display component to use.

        • (Default) - Component is determined by the DataEngine.

        • *Associated Operation - Rather than generating a normal association hyperlink, this runs the associated operation and returns the results within the actual field. Note, this option can only be selected if an Associated Operation has been specified in the Advanced Settings section.

        • *Hover Panel - This feature gives you the ability to hover over a specified area to give more informational detail. Please click here for more information.

        • Auto Complete - Provides a list of value suggestions when you type in the field. It is used in conjunction with a Possible Values operation to create Autocomplete fields.

        • Date Picker - While not an actual Display Component, this feature is automatically applied to DATE fields. This feature will open an interactive calendar in a small overlay once you click on the calendar icon when you are in the edit record screen of your running Operation. To set formats, use the field descriptor's Formatter Class to display different formats of the date.

        • EditableSelect - Two components are generated for this option: a top drop down menu with selectable possible values and a text field that allows entry for a new value.

        • EditableSelect (Text Area) - Same as an EditableSelect except insures that the bottom component will be a text area instead of a text field.

        • Google Gauge - click here for more information.

        • HTML WYSIWYG - generates PDF reports from WCODE.

        • HTML5: Meter - click here for more information.

        • HTML5: Progress - click here for more information.

      • jQuery Autocomplete - This Display Component utilizes jQuery UI to provide a list of value suggestions when you type in the field. It is used in conjunction with a Possible Values operation to create things like Predictive Search.

      • jQuery Date Picker - This Display Component utilizes jQuery UI to provide a date picker that is a bit more customizable than the date picker that is applied by default to all DATE fields.

      • jQuery Date+Time Picker - Similar to the jQuery Date Picker, this adds the additional Timestamp picker as well. It is more customizable than the default date+time picker that is applied by default to TIMESTAMP fields.

      • jQuery Multi Value List - Creates a multi value list which allows selecting multiple values from the same field.

        • List - Component is a selectable possible values list displaying all options in which multiple values can be selected.

        • RadioButtonPVSelect - Displays a possible value selection using radio buttons instead of selection list. (For future support)

      • Select2 - multivalue ajax PVs - Uses Select2 rather than jQuery to create a multivalue select Possible Value. This particular Display Component uses Ajax to refresh the values.

      • Select2 - multivalue preloaded PVs - Uses Select2 rather than jQuery to create a multivalue select Possible Value. This particular Display Component pre-loads the values.

        • TextArea - Uses a text area instead of a text field for the display component.

      • TinyMCE 4 - Uses TinyMCE to create a WYSIWYG editor that replaces the normal field.

    • TODO: Expand this section and provide screen shots and examples

    • Help Text - Text that will be displayed when the user positions their pointer over the component

    • Style Class - The fully qualified name of a CSS class that will perform formatting on the look of the component generated for the field. For example, if you need to right justify a field, you can create a unique CSS style class and specify the class name here. You would create a fieldstyles.css file and define in it: .mystyle { text-align: right; } and set the Style Class to mystyle. If the field is rendered as an image (<img ...), the class would need to be named as the following in CSS: ".mystyle img".

    • Display Width - Sets the width of the display in pixels (changes with HTML settings).

Display Height - Sets the height of the display in pixels (changes with HTML settings).

Possible Value Settings

    • Possible Value Key - The key that determines which Possible Values to use for this field.

    • Possible Value Operation - This is a drop-down menu listing all of the previously created possible value operations.

    • Possible Value Class - The specific Java class that is used to hold Possible Values internally on the system. You may also specify a Possible Value class name.

    • *DISTINCT* - Returns all distinct values from the database for that particular field.

      • NOTE: Using this for a list of records will degrade performance. For multiple records use *DISTINCT-CACHE*

*DISTINCT-CACHE* - Returns all distinct values from the cached contents of that particular field.

NOTE: For performance reasons, CACHE should be used whenever a list of records will be shown.