Sharing Parameters

You can share parameters between multiple operations in an execution group or dashboard.

Consider a scenario where you prompt the user to select a work department and you want to display a list of all employees in that department in one operation and then display the MANAGER of that department in the second operation.

Global variables can be used on the work department field and then used on the second operation without requiring a user prompt. A global value Usage ID allows the user to set a Global Value, or value that will persist until you change it. This is demonstrated below.

For this example, I am going to create an application called Sharing Parameters.

Once you have created your application, insert your operations, as shown below.

The first operation will bring back a list of all employees and all data fields associated with them.

The second operation will bring back the managers from each selected work department.

Insert the operations and run the application.

In order for the field to be used without prompting the user a second time, you can change the usage id to Global Value and update. To do this you must open the fd and find the additional settings.

Select employees and from the drop down list, choose the work department desired. This will bring back a list of all employees from within that department.

Now, simply click on the manager menu item and the data returned is limited to only the manger for the pre-selected work department.

Tags: Share variables, use same prompt value between operations, GLOBAL Variables, Share parameters