Recruitment and Hiring Guidelines

  • Authorized By:  District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 12/5/2013 (LMS)
  • Replaces: New Policy
  • Reviewed: 
  • Revised: 1/1/2013 (LMS), 1/1/2021 (LMS), 7/1/2021 (GM+SD), 8/18/2021 (GM+SD); Moved to Google Sites 8/18/2021, 2/22/2022 (GM+SD), 8/4/2022 (GM+SD), 5/1/2023 (JLM), 4/12/2024 (JLM)
  • Contact: Head of Human Resources

Purpose of Guidelines

The guidelines contained herein have been established to clarify the roles/responsibilities of those involved in the recruiting and hiring process. 

Goals of Guidelines

Exceptions and Assistance

Things for Everyone to Remember

Human Resources' (HR's) Responsibilities

Prior to Posting a Vacant Position

Posting a Vacant Position

Processing Applications

Prior to Interview

During Interview

After Interview

Interviewing Supervisor's Responsibilities

Prior to Posting a Vacant Position 

(These duties may be delegated but the interviewing supervisor is ultimately responsible for ensuring that they are correctly performed.)

Posting a Vacant Position 

Preparing for First Interview (Your Contact with Interviewees)

Preparing Yourself and Other Interviewers for Interview

During Interview 

After Interview 

Other Interviewers’ Responsibilities

Reviewing Applications 

NOTE: Supervisors must offer an interview to every candidate who is highlighted on the Best Qualified list .

Revision Log


