Offboarding (Departing Employees)

  • Authorized By: District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 8/19/2021 (GM+SD) 
  • Replaces: Supervisors Guidelines for Employee Resignations/Retirements effective 2/6/2012 and revised 2/6/2012, 11/17/2017, 1/1/2021, 8/19/2021; Offboarding (Departing Employees) - Supervisors Guidelines and Offboarding Resources for Supervisors (combined) 2/11/2022
  • Reviewed: 
  • Revised: 2/1/2022 (GM+SD), 6/8/2023 (JLM), 4/12/2024 (JLM)
  • Contact: Head of Human Resources

Policy and Procedures

This policy and these procedures apply to NKY Health employees who are separating from service.

Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

Before Accepting a Notice of Resignation/Retirement from Any Employee

When an employee tenders a resignation/notice of retirement and losing that employee would hinder NKY Health’s business operations, please try to persuade them to reconsider by pointing out the advantages of continuing to work at NKY Health and the disadvantages of leaving. 

When an employee tenders a resignation/notice of retirement and losing that employee would not significantly hinder NKY Health's business operations, then please accept their notice as soon as possible. 

When the employee is a contract employee, please remind them of the terms of their contract. A contract employee must fulfill the terms of their contract.


If the employee still wants to resign/retire then please try to negotiate the latest resignation/retirement date and follow the procedures outlined herein

Refer to Section 8.1 of NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies for details about notice requirements.

Procedures for Accepting a Notice of Resignation/Retirement from a Merit System Employee

Please follow these steps to accept a notice of resignation/retirement from a merit system employee:

Procedures for Accepting a Notice of Resignation/Retirement from a Contract Employee

Please follow these steps to accept a notice of resignation/retirement from a contract employee:

Procedures for Notifying a Contract Employee of Non-Renewal or Termination of Contract

To notify a contract employee that their contract will not be renewed when it expires or that their contract is being terminated early, please complete and submit the appropriate form below to prepare a memo and then follow up to make sure they acknowledge it.

Procedures for Offboarding any Departing Employee

Following are procedures for offboarding a departing employee:

Forms Used to Prepare Memos

Accept Resignation / Retirement Memo Form - Merit System Employee

Please complete and submit the following form for any NKY Health employee in a merit system position who gives you written and signed notice that they are separating from NKY Health.  Note that in order to leave in good standing (Refer to Section 8.1.1 of NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies) an employee must give a minimum of a two-week notice.

Accept Notice of Resignation/Retirement for EARLY Termination of Contract

Please complete and submit the following form for any NKY Health contract employees who are terminating their contract before it expires. Note that Note that in order to leave in good standing (Refer to Section 8.1.2 of NKY Health's Guide to Personnel Policies) requires that all the terms of the contract be satisfied and that most NKY Health employment contracts require a 30 day termination notice by either party.

Accept Notice of Resignation/Retirement for NON-RENEWAL of Contract

Please complete and submit the following form for any NKY Health contract employees who are not renewing their contract.  (Their decision.)

Notify Employee of Non-Renewal of Contract 

Please complete and submit the following form for any NKY Health contract employee whose contract will not be renewed. (NKY Health's decision.)

Notify Employee of Early Termination of Contract

Please complete and submit the following form for any NKY Health contract employee whose contract is being terminated early.  (NKY Health's decision.) Note that most contracts require a 30 day termination notice by either party.

Spreadsheet for Transitioning Position

The following spreadsheet may be helpful in transitioning work activities to the next person. Feel free to download it and use it. 

Key Job Tasks & Related Information (BLANK).xlsx

Supervisor's Checklist for Departing Employee

Please download this checklist and complete it anytime an employee separates from NKY Health.  Please scan the completed checklist as a .PDF and email it to

Supervisor Checklist for Departing Employee.pdf

Flowchart for Handling a Resignation and Filling a Vacant Position

Handling a Resignation - Filling a Vacant Position Flowchart.pdf

Link to NKY Health Offboarding Training on 6/24/2015

Training on offboarding employees was conducted on 3/25/2015 and updated on 6/24/2015.  Click here to access the training.

Revision Log

