Job Descriptions

  • Authorized By: District Director of Health
  • Initial Effective Date: 8/1/2014 (LMS)
  • Replaces
  • Reviewed: 
  • Revised: Practices codified on Google Sites 8/19/2021 (LMS); Revised 7/1/2023 (KD), 2/2/204 (KD)
  • Contact: Head of Human Resources 

Human Resources (HR) maintains and updates a template form for all job descriptions at NKY Health. 

Using the form HR provides, senior leadership creates and maintains a template job description for every class specification that has more than one staff assigned. 

Using the template job descriptions senior leadership provides, supervisors maintain a current job description for every merit system employee who reports to them.

Writing/Updating Job Descriptions

Writing/Updating Job Description Templates

Senior leadership is responsible for writing/updating job description templates for job classifications that have more than one staff assigned.  (For example: Clinic RN but not Director of Clinical Services.)  They often delegate this task to others in their division who are more intimately familiar with the job.

A leader may approve job description templates for job classifications "fully owned" by their division/work unit without approval from other leadership.  Otherwise, they must collaborate with other leaders who also employ staff in the same job classification.

To update a job description template, follow these steps:

Branding on Job Descriptions

Effective 11/17/2017, the logo, disclaimer line at the bottom, and template revision date changed when the branding was updated.  

Supervisors are responsible for making these changes on all job descriptions they maintain. Division Directors are responsible for making these changes on all job description templates for their divisions.  

Please see the "NKY Health JD Template BRANDING TO CHECK" below for highlighted sections to check for correct branding. Please use the "NKY Health JD TEMPLATE" to cut-and-paste updates needed or to start writing a new job description.

(Logo size is .62h x 3.15w; Font for disclaimer is Arial 6.5 pt)

File Naming Conventions for Job Descriptions

For the signed .PDF version:  Lname, Fname YYYY Job Description m-d-yyyy.pdf

For the Word version (only send if it's different from the template:)  NKY Health JD Title (Program) m-d-yyyy - Lname Fname

Job Description Forms

Adjustments needed to the blank job fescription form:

Blank Job Description Form with Changes Effective 7/1/2024 (use to create new):

NKY Health JD Form.doc

Blank Job Description Form with Highlighted Changes Effective 7/1/2024 (refer to for updates):

NKY Health JD BLANK TEMPLATE - Changes Highlighted.doc

Job Description Protected Health Information (PHI) Categories

Please exand this list for category definitions, see the chart below for job assignment categories, and contact the HIPAA Officer with any questions/concerns about this section of the job description. 

Clinical Authorization – Physicians, nurses, and other health professionals may access any information contained in a patient’s records (other than information that has been restricted by the patient’s physician) for the purpose of treating the patient, including consulting with other professionals concerning the patient’s treatment.

Office/Clerical Authorization – Office staff responsible for preparing and submitting claims and processing payment information may access any information contained in a patient’s records needed to meet requirements for submission and adjudication of a claim for services.

Administrative Authorization – Members of the provider’s management may access any information contained in patient records when required for the purpose of supervising staff or complying with licensing and other regulatory requirements.

IT Management Authorization – Staff responsible for managing the provider’s information resources may access information needed to configure security features of computer hardware and software. Examples include establishing user passwords and setting permissions to access data or configure hardware and software.

Limited Authorization – Staff responsible for responding to a public health emergency who does not routinely need access to PHI but will during a public health emergency. 

PHI Category By Position.xlsx

Link to NKY Health Job Description and Class Specification Training in 2013

Training on NKY Health's Class Specifications and Job Descriptions was conducted on 9/25/2013. Click here to access the training.

Revision Log



