Edition Two

Post date: Nov 1, 2016 3:19:15 PM


By: Reece K. and Tori B.

Doctors are now doing online video chats to patients around the country at all times of the day. Telemedicine will reduce hospital visits and also save money.

Telemedicine is the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by technology. Doctors are helping patients by email and webcam. Pat

ients are using new devices to relay their blood pressure, heart rate, and anything else patients are concerned about.

Doctors are worried that if they don’t see their patient in person then they will miss something. The patients are concerned if they should trust the doctor or not since they don’t see them in person. Doctors say about ten million people already rely on Telemedicine. Many states are embracing Telemedicine.

Patients can easily get special services, they can stay in their local communities and not travel to far places. Telemedicine reduces health care and costs. With telemedicine patients can be treated earlier with improved outcomes.

Students were asked what they thought about Telemedicine. Jace C. thinks it is a good thing because the patient could figure out what is wrong without leaving their house.

Gavin W. says, “No, because if something serious happened nobody would be there at that moment to help.”

Consultations are $20 to $50 per check up. At Teladoc Howard sees over forty patients a day. Overall, he says, “That is as good as private practice.”

Telemedicine will continue to grow, and more people will start to use it.

Homecoming 2016

By: Nick S. & Dillon P.

Homecoming in 2016 at Monroeville Local Schools was a blast. The theme was Candyland for it. During the week, the students played games and bit their nails about who will the junior high spirit stick.

Throughout the week in S.O.A.R. the junior high students competed to get points by playing games, dressing up for spirit week, and making signs to put on their lockers for points. Whichever SOAR has the most points by the end of the week will win the spirit stick and bragging rights. A few of the games were Tic-Tac-Toe, Tug-of-War, drawing contest, and Hungry Hungry Hippos. The categories for the locker signs are artistic, best computer generated sign, and best theme. The spirit stick was won by Mr.Mandeville's soar class.

The contestants for homecoming court were the following:, 9th grade Kelsie Palmer, 10th Sami Ott, 11th Zoe Smith, and 12th grade Brooke Barman, Jaely Camp, Megan Doughty, Ally Koch, Jordan Quillen, and Avery Rogers. Brooke Barman won homecoming court on Friday. The Homecoming dance was at Monroeville High School on October 1st.

Homecoming is one of the best times of the year for high school students. Most students will have a fancy meal before or after the dance. Every year there is a powder puff football game (flag football) where the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior girls play 11 on 11 football match up. The freshman face the sophomores, and the juniors face the seniors.

Homecoming was a great experience for the whole school. And the junior high students had a blast playing games and having fun.

Concussion Prevention Helmet

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By: Daniel S. Trevor S. & Cody S.

In football, Riddell has made a concussion prevention helmet called the Speedflex. The Speedflex has an area that can take a hit and not let the player feel the hit as much. This helps to keep the brain form not hitting the skull as hard. With this helmet less of a chance one can get a concussion from hard hits to the head. As a player, coach, and parent the main goal is to be safe while not getting injured.

Concussions are very dangerous, and they can cause long-term brain damage. The symptoms of a concussion are if one feels stunned or dazed, has a bad headache, nausea, double-vision, and/or is bothered by light. One may also reply to answers later than usual and may be very sluggish while doing activities. If a person has a concussion, they can not hit their head, or it can lead to a severe head injury. They need to see a doctor right away to make sure it isn't a really severe concussion.

If a player has a concussion, they need to get plenty of rest, but also drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated. To not risk a more severe injury, one shall not do high risk activities like riding bikes, climbing obstacles, playing sports, or being on fast moving obstacles. When returning to sports start by doing a little bit of running and getting your body back to its normal functions.

Keeping a helmet in good condition and free from cracks is best. Helmets should not be worn for more than 10 years after it has been manufactured. A player should not decorate a helmet with stickers or paint, or it may affect the safety to the helmet. Don’t wear a helmet that is not for the child's age or head size. They should have a coach or parent check to make sure it is a useable product. Although with good helmets, there still needs to be a good chin strap. A chin strap helps to prevent the helmet from coming off the player's head.

Concussions are bad, but there has been a helmet that will help from a severe blow to the head.

Pumpkin Regatta

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By: Bri S. & Makenna W.

Every year on October 15th, Cedarburg Wisconsin citizens will be having The Great Pumpkin Regatta. The definition of Regatta is a boat race. Paddlers race pumpkins down the river to try to win the race for the festival. The sponsor for the pumpkin regatta is the Richmond Yacht Club.

Pumpkin growers brought their super sized pumpkins for judges to measure and weigh. After that the paddlers carved the pumpkins into boats. They measure the seat for them to sit in. Then there off to decorate the pumpkins like using an array of flags, and paint. Some use flags of football teams. Others use flags of their favorite color or animal.

When they are racing the pumpkin they can dress up, as Disney characters, movie characters, anything anyone wants. The possibilities are endless. If people win, they get bragging rights, they can say that they raced a pumpkin down a river and won.

Sometimes the pumpkin can be way too small. So just incase the pumpkin gets a hole in it or they carve it way too thin, people might wanna bring another pumpkin.

When everyone and everything is ready the people are off into the river.

Gradings For Restaurant Meat

By: Gavin W. & Jace C.

On September 21, restaurant’s grades came in for their meat. Many restaurants received F’s for having too many antibiotics in the meat. Not many fast food restaurants received passing grades.

Every year a group of six non-profit programs get together, and give grades to restaurants on their meat. Restaurants should not put to many antibiotics in their meat. Farmers give antibiotics to their animals to make them grow faster and be healthier. Antibiotics have been used since the 1940s, the drug has led to a dramatic reduction in illness and death from the infectious diseases.

The federal agency said, “The extensive use of antimicrobial drugs has resulted in drug resistance

that threatens to reverse the medical advances of the last seventy years.”

Many restaurants have improved since last year, but some have only improved slightly. McDonald's changed their chicken to go from an F to a C+, but they didn’t promise anything about their beef and pork. Subway jumped from an F to a B since they adopted a new antibiotic policy. Chipotle and Panera Bread have accepted A’s for the second year in a row. The restaurants have received good and bad grades.

Restaurants should avoid antibiotics in their meat, so they don’t raise too many suspicions.

Cleveland Indians

By: Duncan S. & Isaac R.

The Cleveland Indians are first in the American League. Their record is 88 wins and 63 losses since the 21st of September. They play the Royals September 21st and the 22nd. They won the game against the Royals on September 22nd five to two. Cleveland eliminated the Royals from AL (American League) Central race.

Carlos Santana has 33 home runs already this year, and Mike Napoli has 34 home runs this season. Josh Tomlin has the best batting average out of all the Cleveland Indians. Corey Kluber is the best pitcher for the Cleveland Indians. The Cleveland Indians play in Cleveland on Progressive Field. The Indians manager is Terry Franco. The Tribes biggest win streak is 13 this year.

They made one of the best movies about the Indians. The movie called, “Major League” is about how their owner doesn't want them to have a team. They need to win the series to keep the team.

Everyone hopes they win it all this year. It would be cool to have two Cleveland Champions in Ohio.

The Indians are doing very good this year so far.

Dangers of Tannerite

By: Landon B. & Ian S.

Tannerite is a highly explosive target that can, and will cause death if people are to close and not paying attention to the explosive. Tannerite is harmful be

cause a 32 year old man blew his leg off when he was just 43 feet aw

ay and shot 3 lbs of tannerite. The amount of tannerite that the man shot was enough to shake his neighbor's house, the neighbors live across the street. When shooting tannerite people are supposed to stand 100 yards away per pound. When shooting tannerite people have to be very careful, or they could have bad injuries and/or death.

The discovery of Tannerite in the homemade bomb that injured 29 people on Sep. 17th, 2016 in New York.

On September 18th, 2016 a family was having a fish fry for their grandfather's birthday, there was clay pigeon shooting, and tannerite. When they were shooting the clay pigeons one of the family members shot a pound of tannerite that was only 50 yards away from him and the clay pigeon shooters. It almost gave everybody a heart attack, and scared the people that were talking and playing corn hole. All of the police are on high guard for explosions and will enter the property if they know that the explosion was on that property. Police are more cautious about tannerite now because there has been tannerite blowing up in big cities, and killing/injuring people.

Facts about tannerite are the explosive is not flammable, the shooter has to shoot it with a high powered rifle to make it explode. Binary reactive targets are pre packaged products consisting of two separate components. Tannerite was invented by Daniel J. Tanner. It is illegal to shoot tannerite in many states. One pound of tannerite is equivalent to one stick of TNT. Aluminum nitrate and aluminum powder are the two main ingredients in tannerite. When hit by a bullet, ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder is very flammable.

Tannerite is a highly dangerous explosive, and will kill people.

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