Edition 2 - Second Semester

Post date: Feb 22, 2017 3:40:16 PM

Living in Social Media

Lydia L. & Kylee B.

There are advantages and disadvantages of social media today. Teens today use social media as a way to spread bad things around the internet which leads to not being very social with others. Ninety-four percent of teens have a social media also use it daily, and 71 percent say they use more than one type of social media.

According to Doctor Catherine Steiner-Adair, a clinical psychologist said, “Teens are missing out on critical social skills. Texting and online communication does not create a nonverbal learning experience, but it puts everyone in a nonverbal disability context, where body language, facial expressions, and vocal reactions are invisible.”

The American Psychiatric Association said, “Social media can cause brain disorders, having the lack of person to person conversations, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and self centered personalities like not showing very much emotion to things.” This means that it can cause not just disorders but can cause people to not interact with others, they cannot see you when you text or call, they cannot see your facial expressions towards anything.

Seventh and eighth grade students at Monroeville Jr. High had some input about social media and if it is a good or bad thing.

Grace T. says, “People should not have more than one type of social media, I think this because it can be more of a distraction. I think social media is a good thing because it is a good way to keep connected with friends and family.”

Makenna W. says, “You should have more than one type of social media, so you can keep in contact with p

eople if they don’t have one type they can most likely have a different type. Social media can either be a good or bad thing to have because it can get hacked, but you can contact other family and friends from far away. Social media is a

good way to interact with other peopl

e because you can make new friends.”

Gunner H. said, “Yes, people should have more than one type of social media because you can be updated on events happening around the world. Social media is both good and bad to have because it is fun to use, but you can find bad and inappropriate c

ontent on them. It is a good way to interact with people because people can direct message other people on Instagram and chat with people on Snapchat.”

Social media can either be a good or a bad thing depending on how teens use it. Different people look for different content depending on their interests, and this c

an affect how social media is used.

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Stop the Texts; Stop the Wrecks

Tana S. & Melana A.

Did you know there are more accidents when people text and drive than when people are drinking and driving? A crash typically happens within an average of three seconds after being distracted by a person’s phone. One out of every four car accidents in the United States are caused by texting and driving. Teen drivers are four times more likely to get in an accident then an adult. According to www.edgarsnyder.com at least 11 teens die every day as a result of texting and driving.

Payton S. stated, “Texting and driving is very bad, and it is not safe because people get very serious injuries and people can get killed.”

Hannah L. explained, “Texting and driving is not safe because you could die.”

Twenty one percent of teens get involved in fatal accidents because they were distracted by their cell phones. In 2014, 3,179 people were killed worldwide and 431,000 were injured in motor vehicle accidents involving texting. Each year 330,000 accidents are caused by texting and driving and they have led to very severe injuries.

The National Safety Council states, “Cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million accidents each year.”

In 46 states texting and driving or talking on a cell phone is banned for all drivers. Texting while driving causes a 400 percent increase in time spent with a person's eyes off of the road. While texting and driving not only do you put yourself at risk, people also put other people who are on the roads at risk too.

Overall, people should not text and drive because a person could get seriously injured and possibly killed.

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“The Wall”

Braylee W., Justin C., & Kaleigh S.

In the four year term of Donald J. Trump’s presidency, his main goal is to build the Mexican border wall. The wall will be built on the border of Mexico and the United States. President Donald Trump wants to start it as soon as he can. If he starts soon, it should be done by 2022. This wall is to keep illegal immigrants and Mexicans out of the United States. It is estimated to cost $12 to 15 billion; the Israeli Company will build the wall.

Image result for diagram of trumps wall

There are some positives about the wall that are beneficial to the United States. Careerride.com stated that there would be less illegal immigration; the Americans would feel more safe. The economy is not ready to receive immigrants. It would be easier to patrol, and there will be less drugs coming into the United States. There are also some negatives about the wall.

According to Gray Johnson, who served as Governor of a border state, “A bigger fence will only produce taller ladders and deeper tunnels.” Also, the cost will be too high and the wall passes through regions that are filled with immigrants. It will take about three years to build and nobody has time for that. Illegal immigration wouldn’t stop and there could be environmental hazards.

Trump states, "I will build a great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for the wall. Also, let’s make America look good once again, but I know Mexico will do anything to try and get away from paying for the wall. They should pay for it because they are the main reason I want to build this wall.”

Some people interviewed some of our eighth grade fellow classmates from Monroeville Junior High and asked them how they felt about Trump’s wall.

Conlin R. explained, “It's going to be good because it will keep illegal immigrants out. Also Mexico should pay for it because they come over to the United States most of the time anyways.”

Jacob B. stated, “I like the wall because it will keep illegal immigrants out, but I don’t think it will be beneficial because they will just keep coming in to the United States anyways.”

Jace C. said, “I don’t like the wall because I just don’t like Donald Trump in general. Also, it will not keep the Mexicans out.”

Even with the many pros and cons about Donald Trump’s wall, there is still a big expense in front of it.

Battle of the Brands

Toby T. & Hunter V.

Smartphones have been around for quite some time now, and names like Apple and Samsung dominate the market.

Samsung is the oldest manufacturer of phones on the market. The Samsung S7 edge cost $769.99 and comes in a variety of colors. Like the iPhone, the Samsung is also waterproof. Also, the Samsung has a Virtual Reality, and Apple has not created one yet. Samsung has created a S7 edge which has a curved edge, Apple does not. Both companies are great; Samsung runs Android and Apple runs iOS.

Apple is easier to understand, while android is more customizable. The iPhone 7 is the first iPhone that is waterproof, so if someone drops it in a puddle it won't be a problem. The iPhone 7 Plus is $969.99 which is more expensive than the Samsung but claims to have a better case. The Samsung can also zoo

m in the camera to 10 times. The battery is figured to last two hours longer than the iPhone 6.

Damian B. a student at Monroeville Schools stated, “I like iPhones because there are more cases to customize the Iphone.”

Xander M. another student at

Monroeville Schools stated, “I like Samsung better because it's easier and works faster.”

No one has really proven which brand is better even though many people claim that one is better. The iPhone has the option of 32, 128, or 256 gigabytes, while the Samsun

g only has 32 or 64. The Samsung has a headphone jack while the iPhone does not, which is bad if people do not have wireless headphones.

Both brands are great, and they both have good and bad qualities.

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Do you now the History of Valentine’s Day

Lily S. & Zenna B.

Valentine's day has been around for a while, and people celebrate Valentine's Day by celebrating love. A lot of people don’t really know the real reason why it was created.

Valentine's Day was created by St. Valentine a long time ago. People don't really know that much about St. Valentine. Some of the rumors about St. Valentine is he was a Catholic priest in Rome. Another thought was that he let out all the Christian prisoners in jail that did nothing wrong, then died. The last reason was that he fell in love with this girl and kept on writing these cards that said, “From Your Valentine,” but none of those are real.

The real story is the ruler of Rome didn’t like Christians, because they didn’t believe in his twelve gods. Whenever he saw one, he would put them in jail. Valentine had a daughter named Julia; he loved her. Valentine taught her how to be nice to nature and God.

Valentine was so religious; he always believed in God. The ruler didn’t like that so he threatened him, “If you keep on doing what God wants and believe in God, you will be put in jail.” Valentine ignored his threat, he didn’t care if he went to prison or not, he would still do what God wanted and teach about him. Because of this, he ended up going to jail.

Before he died, he told his daughter to always believe in God. Saint Valentine died on February 14th. This day became known as Valentine’s Day, which is also his feast day. Valentine was the saint of love because he loved his daughter, and taught her all about God.

Many people wonder about the colors, hearts, and Cupid on Valentine's Day. The colors pink, red, and purple were chosen, because they are the colors of love; hearts represent love. Cupid was chosen, because he was the god of love in Rome. America took that ide

a and made Cupid the icon of Valentine's Day.

We asked a few students from Monroeville how they celebrated Valentine's Day, and if they like the way they celebrate Valentine's Day.

Hannah L. sa

id, “The way I celebrate Valentine's Day is watching Netflix, and eating food; yes I like the way I celebrate because I like watching Netflix.”

Trevor S. said, “I like to celebrate Valentine's Day by going to my friend’s house and eating food. Yes, I like the way I celebrate Valentine's Day.”

Valentine's Day is a special day, because a person can celebrate with their loved ones, and many people don't know the history of Valentine’s Day.

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NBA Showdown

Tyler M. & Zach H.

There are many good NBA basketball teams, but there are great ones like the 1995 and 1996 Chicago Bulls. The three main players on their team were small forward Scottie Pippen, Michael Jordan, and Dennis Rodman. Scottie Pippen was 6’8” and he weighed 228 pounds. Their shooting guard was Michael Jordan and he was 6’6” and weighed 216 pounds and their power forward was Dennis Rodman who was 6’7’’ and weighed 220 pounds.

The Bulls played against the Utah Jazz in 1996 for the NBA championship. They won four games against them to win the Championship. Also they were going on a solid 72 and 10 season; the most impressive season in NBA history. The coach of the Bulls lead them to victory. His name was Phil Jackson; he won 11 titles. He coached the Chicago Bulls from 1989 to 1998, but 1995 to 1996 was his best year. Ron Harper averaged 13 points, and Michael Jordan averaged at least 30 points per game. Scottie Pippen averaged at least 16 points per game.

The Chicago Bulls point guard was Steve Kerr. Steve Kerr was a three point player that also coaches the Golden State Warriors. According to www.hoopshype.com the Warriors are one of the best teams ever. The main man on the team is Stephen Curry. He was crowned the best three point shooter on January 15, 2015. The current roster for the Warriors is one of the most dominate rosters ever in history. Stephen Curry plays point guard and averages 25 points per game. Klay Thompson plays shooting guard, averaging 21 points a game. Kevin Durant is a small forward averaging 25 points per game.

Many people say the Chicago Bulls are the best team, but some say the Golden State Warriors are the best team. The information from www.basketballreferances.com says the Bulls are better because they had a better record, but you can’t have both teams play, because one was in the past and one is in the present day.

The Chicago Bulls were almost to the perfect season in the NBA finals

but the Bad Boy Pistons came along and beat them with very little time left. The Pistons in this year had the Bulls Dennis Rodman which lead the Pistons to win against the Bulls. The Pistons also had a point guard named Isiah Thomas, a great fast three point and assist man.

Russell G. said “The Bulls, back then, had the best player in the world and the Warriors are terrible. Also, the Bulls are the best, because they had a good coach and very great players.”the Bulls had the most aggressive player Dennis Rodman”

The teams that play in the NBA all have a name for themselves. They had the best players in the world at that time. They came out on top with the best score of the season and a trophy in their hands.

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And The Movies Are…

Olivia S. & Alyssa E.

Did you know that over 90% of American movies made before 1929 are lost? No copies are known to exist. What about that the budget for the movie Titanic was bigger than the Titanic itself? Millions of new movies are being made in 2017, such as Beauty and the Beast, The Space Between Us, and Despicable Me 3. Audiences of all ages will be able to watch movies all around the world that are entertaining and fun for everyone.

Steve Carell will be coming back for the third time to play Gru in the amazing, Despicable Me 3. Steve Burke, the NBC Universal CEO, established in September of 2013 that Despicable Me 3 was underway and in development. In this film, Gru faces off against a former child star who grows up to become obsessed with the role he played in the ’80s. He also gets into some sibling rivalry when he meets his long lost brother, Dru. The movie is set to release June 30, 2017.

Asa Butterfield will take the role of Gardner Elliot, while Britt Robertson will take the role as Tulsa in the new and upcoming movie, The Space Between Us. The Space Between Us is a 2017 American romantic science fiction film; it is set in the near future. In this film, an astronaut stationed on Mars discovers she is pregnant, dying in childbirth. Her son, Gardner Elliot, lives on the planet his whole life, but eventually forms a friendship, online, with a girl from Earth named Tulsa. When he turns 16, he is given a chance to go to Earth and meet her, but it is soon discovered that his organs cannot survive the gravity on Earth. Gardner and Tulsa attempt to see more of the Earth before it’s too late. The movie was released on February 3, 2017.

Emma Watson stars as Belle in the new Beauty and the Beast. Belle is a young woman who is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle in exchange for her father’s freedom. Despite her fears, she befriends the castle’s enchanted staff and learns to look past the Beast’s exterior and to recognize the true heart and soul of the human prince within. Meanwhile, a hunter is on the loose to take Belle for himself and later intends to hunt down the beast at any cost. Dan Stevens will be playing the role of Beast. The film will feature a new cover of Beauty and the Beast, sung by Ariana Grande and John Legend. The movie is intended to show in theaters on March 17, 2017.

Beauty and the Beast is what I want to set eyes on because I love Disney. Action and drama are my favorite genres because it’s fun and enjoyable to watch,” Jayla L. said.

Despicable Me 3 is what I want to watch because it is really really funny and I like how they talk. Comedy and horror are my favorite because it makes me laugh and cry,” Aubrea A. stated.

In 2017, there will be many movies that will be entertaining for crowds of all ages. Many will be hits and will be recognized all over the globe. Beauty and the Beast, The Space Between Us, and Despicable Me 3 are all coming out as new movies, not only introducing many new actresses and actors, but introducing new ideas into the 21st century.