Edition 1 - Semester 2

Post date: Feb 23, 2018 3:19:06 PM

The Eagle has Landed

Case Z. & Cole K.

The Eagle has Landed at the state competition. At Kalahari in Sandusky, Ohio on January 19th, two teams from the Monroeville School District claimed fourth and sixth place out of 38 total teams. Just shy enough to miss the state competition, but they had one more shot on February 3rd, at Brookside High School.

The robotics program consists of programming and driving with another person on your team for the skills challenge, and driving with a different team working together. The robotics team practices driving and programming after they build the robot.

Team A, also known The Eagle has Landed, consists of Mallory R., Spencer F., Anita R., Case Z., and McKenna D. Team B, also known as Robotic Eagles consists of Cole K., Nathan D., Savannah O., Isabel A., Matthew H., and Zander B. Team A at the tournament in Kalahari, averaged about 113 points a round and placed fourth in the finals. Team B averaged 98 and placed sixth in the finals. The Brookside tournament led to the Robotic Eagles to a fourth place with 114 points and The Eagle has Landed to a seventh place with 101 points. Only team A will be going to the State Championship.

To score in the tournaments the officials add up all points scored and then average the scores after each round, the highest score wins. You score by working with another team to pick up different colored rings and put them in the floor goals (one point each) or place them on a post (five points each). If you empty posts on the side of the board you earn five points, if you grab three rings of the same color they are worth double on the posts. You can also push in two levers and topple the bonus tray for 20 points. The scoring can be high or low due to the team you work with.

The two teams, though separate, donated their time to come in at 6:45 on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and occasionally during soar to work on their robots, programs, and workbooks. The workbooks are filled with questions about the robot and the planning of the design. The teams have put in about 40 hours total, working hard to deliver an impactful and lasting impression on the schools that they may face.

There are opinions of robotics, so people were asked about the program. Matthew S. was asked what he thought of robotics and he said, “Yeah it’s awesome.” Matthew S., is not part of the robotics team.

Anita R. and McKenna D. from team A. were asked about robotics. Anita R. responded to the question of “Is robotics fun?” she answered, “It’s fun.”

Mckenna D. after being asked “What is robotics like?” She told us, “It's frustrating because it means a lot to us.”

When Mrs. Whaley was asked what she thought of the robotics program, the answer received was this answer, “I think a robotics program is a valuable tool for our students. It gives them a chance to learn something that isn’t available in your regular classes.”

Mallory R. said “I think it is stressful.” Mallory R. is part of team A.

An outsider from the robotic programs, Duncan S. said; “I think it is cool when the robots pick up the rings and put them on the pole; it is worth the money they put into it.”

Spencer F., a student who has been in the robotic program said “It is good, but gets tough in some patches. It is totally worth the amount of time put into it, but the only thing that bothers me is that not everyone’s opinions are considered on what the robot should be like.”

Mr. Mandeville, the administrator of the robotics program answered “It’s a great opportunity for students to show their skills. The two teams have worked hard this year.”

The robotics program has delivered a fun challenge, and a useful skill to all participants. The program has put forth an activity for those who do not enjoy the other sports available in this school. The program is truly a program of the mindset and the intellect, not athleticism.

Super Bowl LII

Levi B. & Xander M.

Who won the Super Bowl, the Patriots or the Eagles?

Tom Brady is said to be one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL. Tom Brady has already won five Super Bowls while he was playing for the Patriots. Brady has gotten 32 touchdowns in his career, and he has 4,577 passing yards in his career too. Brady has only thrown eight interceptions.

Many people believe that Rob Gronkowski of the Patriots, is one of the best tight ends in the league. He has eight touchdowns and has caught 69 passes before the Super Bowl in his career. He has 1,084 catching yards before the Super Bowl. The Patriots and the Eagles have to tell whether they have chose to differ reserve the same record, 13-3.

In the regular season the Eagles beat the Patriots, 35-28. The Eagles have some of the best players in the NFL according to some people. One of the players on the Eagles roster is Carson Wentz. The Eagles had a better chance at winning the Super Bowl, until Carson Wentz tore his ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament). He had 33 touchdowns, standing now and 3,296 passing yards, and he only has seven interceptions in his NFL career.

Patriots won the coin flip. Then the game started with the first time the Eagles touched the ball, they had to kick a field goal. At the end of the game, the Eagles were beating the Patriots 41 to 33. The Patriots had the ball with 14 seconds left. Tom Brady launched the ball, and the Eagles swatted the ball down. The Eagles have won Super Bowl LII.

Monroeville Eagles end the season on a high note

Aidan G. & Brice M.

The Monroeville Eagles took on the Western Reserve Roughriders in the final game of the regular season on January 30th, 2018. This was a crucial game for both teams, determining each teams position in the tournament.

The last time the Eagles battled against the Roughriders, the Eagles came away with a victory. Jimmy C. was the Eagles leading scorer with 25 pts. The Eagles came into this game with a record of 9-4, and Western Reserve Roughriders record was 7-6. The Eagles were coming off a tough loss against Crestview Cougars, while the Roughriders was coming off with a great victory over the previously undefeated South Central Trojans.

Brice M. starting point guard for the Eagles, scored 4 points, Aidan G., starting guard came away with 7 points, Jimmy C. starting two guard, ended up with 5 points. The game ended with a score of 22-34. The game determined both teams spot in the tournament.

“I think we need to get into better shape, to increase our endurance during the game.” claimed Spencer F. Spencer is one of the leaders for the team and is a key player on the bench.

“We just have to forget about this loss and focus on the tournament,” said Seth S. Seth is the starting center for the Eagles, and averages 10 points per game.

Levi B. who is a player for the Eagles said, “It was a great game, but at the end of the day, we didn’t come out on top.”

The Eagles and the Roughriders are in the tournament. Eagles played the New London Wildcats in the first round of the tournament.

The tournament started on Saturday, February 3rd, 2018. The Eagles game took place at Plymouth High School. The Eagles won 31-19 against the New London Wildcats.

Monroeville played on Monday, February 5th, 2018 against the Crestview Cougars. Monroeville lost 33-35.

The Eagles played the St. Paul Flyers on Thursday, February 8th, 2018. They took the win and the third place position in the tournament.

The Eagles ended up with a record of 11-6. They will be back next year with hopes of being tournament champions.

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Monroeville plays South Central

Hannah L. & Grace C.

Monroeville 8th grade girls basketball team played against South Central. It took place on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 5:00 pm. The game was held at Mapleton Middle School gym. The game was to see who would take third and fourth place in the Firelands Conference.

Monroeville and South Central warmed up on the court getting ready to start their game. “Thinking it’ll be a close game,” says Hannah L. By the end of the first quarter, Monroeville was winning by three. The second quarter started and in the first three minutes Monroeville had the lead by seven. By the time it was half time, the two teams went into the locker rooms. Delaney G. came out with the first five points of the 2nd half and following her with four points was Graisyn Y. When the third quarter started, the game was tied up after South Central had two three pointers. Graisyn Y. was bringing the ball down and pulled up at the three point line, the shot went in.

The 4th quarter started, and Monroeville had a lead by six. A timeout was called by South Central right after Monroeville had two steals and wide open layups. The game had 53.4 seconds left and Monroeville was winning by 12; the fans went crazy.

Monroeville won, and took third place in the Firelands Conference.

Donald Trump’s Wall

Jagar M. & Riley B.

What about President Donald Trump's idea of building a wall?

In 2017 and 2018 President Donald Trump is working on building a wall to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border.

Trump's wall is going to cost about $21.6 billion. The wall will be located on the southern border of the United States.

President Donald Trump claims Mexico is paying for the wall to be built. “I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and I will build very inexpensively, and I will build a great wall on our Southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall,” President Donald Trump said that Mexico borrowed money so it is a type of payment.

The wall will be thirty feet tall and run at least six feet underground. The wall will most likely cover up to 1,900 miles on the border. Building the wall will take about three years to complete and it will be done in 2020. The wall will be made of concrete and steel. The wall will have little bars with barbed wire going across the top of it. There will be eleven border patrol stations throughout the whole wall. The border patrol will be armed with high power rifles and heavy body armor. President Trump will have to hire 15,000 ICE agents (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). President Donald Trump said, that “No one can get across or passed the wall.”

President Trump thinks that he is going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. Donald Trump thinks that the wall will be the next big thing.

Oklahoma Faces Off Against Texas Tech

Jeremiah L. & Jimmy C.

The Oklahoma Basketball team took on the Texas Tech Red Raiders on February 13th, 2018 at 9:00 pm. This game was held in the United Supermarkets Arena. Both Oklahoma and Texas Tech played a man to man defense.

The predictions for this game are that Texas Tech had a 76 percent chance at winning, according to ESPN. The Oklahoma Sooners record is 15-5 and are the 12th best team in the country. Texas Tech Red Raiders record 17-4, and they are the 10th best team in the country. Texas Tech had a tough game facing against one of the countries best point guards Trae Young. Young is averaging 29 points, 9 assists a game, and 4 rebounds a game. For Texas Tech Keenan Evans has an average of 17 points, 3 rebounds, and 3 assists per game.

Oklahoma and Texas Tech have faced off already once this year. Oklahoma took the victory on their court 75 to 65. Oklahoma shot 41 percent from the field that game. Texas Tech only shot 37 percent this game. One reason that Oklahoma won the first game was because of all the turnovers that were made by Texas Tech. Texas Tech had a large amount of turnovers; they had 15, while Oklahoma only had 10 turnovers. Trae Young had 27 points, and had 10 assists. Keenan Evans had 19 points, and went 4 for 4 on free throws.

A reporter said after the first meeting for these two teams “Trae it wasn't a good first half for you, you went 1/12 from the court. What changes did you make in the second half?” Trae stated “I just settled down; this gym was filled with emotions. My main focus is to just win.”

Coach Lon Kruger for the Oklahoma Sooners, and Chris Beard for the Red Raiders practiced really hard for this game. Both coaches know that this game could change where they are placed in March Madness.

The entire game was a close score. Oklahoma’s leading scorer was Christian James with 23 points. Texas Tech started to pull away when there was two minutes left in the game. Texas Tech won the game 78-88. Texas Tech’s leading scorer was Keenan Evans with 26 points. Texas Tech forced Trae Young to six turnovers. Texas Tech now has a record of 22-4, and Oklahoma is now 16-9.

After this game Oklahoma has dropped in the rankings. Some people say this game was fun and exciting to watch.

What do we do for the flu?

Kylee O. & Owen W.

Many people have died due to the flu. There has been 8,900 people in Ohio that have been hospitalized with the flu since October 1st, 2017. Fifty three children have died from the flu in Ohio this flu season. Many other adults have died from the flu.

The flu is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illnesses. There are three types of influenza, type A, type B, and type C. Type B is only found in humans. Eighty one percent of people get type A influenza. Eighteen percent get type B. Type C is not a common sickness in Huron County.

Right now in Huron County, the flu is widespread when it was regional last month. Widespread is the highest level the flu can get. The flu is very high in the rest of Ohio too. You can prevent the flu by covering your cough and washing your hands often.

If you have the flu stay away from others and rest in bed. Stay away from work or school for at least 24 hours. The flu can spread w

hen people sneeze or cough. You breath in the air after they cough.

There are treatments for the flu such as antiviral drugs. Antiviral drugs can lessen symptoms and shorten the time you are sick by one to two days. They also prevent serious flu comp

lications like pneumonia. Symptoms of pneumonia are chills, cough and difficulty breathing. People who get the flu use antiviral drug for less days of being sick with the flu. Everyone six months old or older, should get a vaccine if you haven’t yet.

People are at high risk of getting the flu. Some people that are at a very high risk are children under the age of five, adults 65 years of age, and residents of nursing homes.

Some people, such as young

er children and seniors with certain health conditions, are at high risk of getting the flu.

Flu can spread by coughing and sneezing. Stay away from anyone when possible, when they have the flu.

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