Edition One

Post date: Oct 13, 2009 7:54:25 AM

The Junior High Football Team is Ready

By: Ian S. & Daniel S.

After school the Monroeville Jr. High football team gets ready for practice behind the school. The Jr. High football team always starts with running a half of a mile while being timed. Next the team does stretches then they start going into OSU drills for conditioning and agilities. They do this so the team can get ready for football games, so we can beat our opponents. The plays they practice are for the games, so the players will know them like the back of their hands.

Some of our OSU drills the players do are the gauntlet, bull in the ring, human ladder, running with agilities like, up downs, push ups, sit ups, crunches, mountain climbers, and many others.

The team has also been practicing how to tackle the right way by wrapping up, being ankle biters, and gang tackling. Gang tackling is when two or more people help a player tackle or take down an offensive player with the ball. Ankle biting means tackling the person with the ball below the waist.

For motivation, many teammates think about their family to pump them up for games. They also have other teammates pump them up to make good tackles and blocks. Duncan listens to ¨Rocky Balboa¨ before games to pump him up.

Trevor responded, “We are all a family, and they are my greatest allies.¨

The team is all family, but with starting positions to compete for, they get carried away with how they act. Every position has a starter which has earned their spot of the field. As the season goes on, the team all develops better skills for being teammates and at positions. They learned that some people are better at some positions, but others are good at different positions. With all the yelling players do at other teammates, it helps the players work harder to get it right.

As the players prepare for our games we all work together as one.

Poachers in Africa are Killing Elephants for their Tusks

By: Reece K. & Makenna W.

Poachers in Africa have been killing elephants for their tusks to sell and make money.

Ivory poaching is one reason why elephants are being hunted so much. Their tusks are used for billiard balls, piano keys, and many other things for human enjoyment. Ivory can be a thousand dollars per pound in some areas. Ivory can not be found in their teeth.

Elephants use their tusks for many reasons. They are weapons against predators, against other elephants, digging, stripping bark, moving, and lifting things. According to the website The Dodo, the elephants are either right or left dominant. A person can tell which one is there dominant one because the tusk is shorter and more rounded.

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To fix this problem people should not buy ivory, stop ivory trade. Also people can protect elephant habitat. Elephants should not be killed by poachers for their tusks.

Poachers should stop illegally poaching elephants for money around the world.

Student Council Results are In!

By: Gavin W. & Cody S.

At Monroeville Local Schools on September 7th, they held a Junior High election for Student Council. There were many people running for Student Council. The teachers gave information about what student council is about.

According to Mrs. Barman only three people can get elected for Student Council.

Mrs. Wise said, “Student council helps plan activities such as food drives and spirit week.” Student council also helps kids get involved with activities.

The winners for junior high student council are Duncan, Isaac, Rachel, Trevor, Meritt, and Brayden.

Duncan said, “I am getting us a Seventh and Eighth grade dance. I wanted to be

involved in more school activities.”

Isaac said, “I am going to plan fun things because it sounds fun.”

There are six people that made student council in junior high.

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There Making it to the End

By: Bri S. Jace C. and Tori B.

The 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams are representing the school of Monroeville. They are trying to win the championship. The season has already started, and they are on their fourth game. They have twenty games in total on the season and one conference.

The Monroeville Jr. High volleyball players, in 8th grade are Emily, Adalyn, Tana, Kylee, Lydia, Payton, Reece, Kaleigh, Sydney, Piper, Braylee. The 7th grade team players are Hannah, Graisyn, Melana, Kady, Sydnie, Grace, Brooklyn.

The 8th grade volleyball team won two games so far and lost one. They have been practicing very hard, so they can win. The 7th grade has won three games and haven't lost any so far.

When Reece K. was interviewed she said, “I think this volleyball season is going good and we just learned new rotation. We cooperate and work together, so that we don’t fight and win as a team. Be

fore the games we do agilites, stretches, and we do warm ups like bump, set, and spike.”

The season is going very well for the Jr. High volleyball team, and they have been very successful.

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Do the Chromebooks get Good Looks?

By: Nick S. & Isaac R

On August 24, 2016, Monroeville students received new Chromebooks because the three year warranty was up for the old Chromebooks.

The Chromebooks came with brand new cases that had a handle instead of a strap like the old ones had. “The Chromebooks are made tough and durable,” Mr. Gerber said on the day we were getting them. The new ones are HP and they will perform much faster and are more reliable than the Samsung Chromebooks. The new ones will hold a longer charge because they are a newer model. The Chromebooks have the junior high and high school math textbooks on them and lesson plans, which will make it easier for the students and the teachers to use.

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On the first day when the junior high saw the Chromebooks, they were so excited to even put one finger on one of them. Most students said that these seem tougher than the old ones and that they’re going to take a lot better care of these then the old ones. The new Chromebooks are black, and the old ones were silver. The key pads look exactly the same. The junior high students said that they can not change the background, nor can they change the profile picture. It doesn’t matter, as long as they work, they are happy with them.

The teachers of Monroeville say that, if the Chromebooks are not charged then it’s demerits. If you forget it in the classroom then it’s also demerits. If your screen is cracked, they will have to pay a fifty dollar fine unless it is the first screen. If the whole entire computer is broke, then the student will have to pay the full price of it. The old Chromebooks were 250 dollars per Chromebook, and the new Chromebooks are worth 270 dollars. The new Chromebooks look a lot different compared to the old ones.

The Chromebooks the school provided are worth a ton of money, and the whole school needs to take good care of them so that they will last us a long time.

Monroeville High School Winning State

By: Trevor S. & Duncan S.

Monroeville’s High School football team is trying to make it to playoffs for the second year in a row. They will have the whole football season to practice. The team plays five home games and five away games. They did two a days for two weeks to prepare for the season.

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Coach Nester commented on the goals of this year, “The goals as in every year they are pushing to be Firelands conference champions and state champions.” The High School boys practice behind the school right after school. They play games at Marsh field. They study their plays every Saturday, so when it comes to game time, they know all of their plays.

The Eagles have won the last two games against Crestline 47 to 13 and against Sandusky Central Catholic 41 to 7 both great games. They played Margretta Friday September 9 at Marsh Field in Monroeville; they won 16-28.

All the fans hope that they will make it to the playoffs. Ball boy Isaiah S. says what he thinks the Eagles record will be, ‘‘Personally I think the boys are going to go seven and four.’’

What is the key for the Eagles, running or passing? Gunner H. says, “It is more about the running game.’’

The Monroeville football team will try to make playoffs again this year; that’s the goal.

The Bald Eagle Endangerment

By: Dillon P. & Landon B.

Researchers have been trying to keep eagles from going extinct since 1963. The bald eagles are going extinct because people were hunting them. They have been endangered since 1963. To make sure the eagles don’t get poached or over hunted, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife made it illegal to kill bald eagles.

In 1963, Bald eagles were put onto the endangered species list and still are on it today. Since the bald eagle is our national symbol, it would be a shame to let them go extinct.

In the Unit

ed States, the bald eagle is endangered because of low amounts of food, habitat loss, and pesticide. People can save the bald eagles by using less man made fertilizers and not hunting them. When people see an eagle that is in danger, they should call a wildlife center, a game warden, or the police.

Bald eagles are endangered, and need to be protected before they go extinct. According to the website FWS, bald eagles can live up to 30 years, and their nests can weigh up to 4,000 pounds, and can be used for many years. Bald eagles, American birds, pair for life, but if one dies the survivor will accept a new mate.

The bald eagles are in trouble, but the population is regenerating thanks to researchers and wildlife protection.

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